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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to Write a Gas Drilling Ordinance

Today we will teach you how to write a gas drilling fire prevention ordinance.  First, you must learn this basic magic trick ~  also known as the sleight of hand

Now watch this short video clip from the August 5, 2014 afternoon session of the Arlington, TX City Council meeting.  Pay close attention to the exchange between Councilman Robert Shepard and Fire Chief Crowson regarding the International Fire Code and an amendment to the City's gas drilling fire prevention ordinance: 

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Arlington, TX City Council Meeting
8/5/2014 Afternoon Session

If you have trouble viewing this video, click on this link.  Scroll to Section III. C. 2 and click on the link that says, "Evening Agenda Items."

Abracadabra, it's Magic!!

To be continued...


  1. Wow. "In essence..." So, is this the Arlington, TX way to say, "Ooops"?? At least it wasn't THREE things...but this ONE is certainly enough. Nice trick.

  2. So, after all was said and done...was it a gas drilling ordinance amendment? It's so hard for most mortals to keep up with what our cities are doing...especially when the reps we elect don't keep us informed with the details. Thank you, FM.

  3. Technically, no. It was not a gas drilling ordinance amendment. It was an amendment to the Fire Prevention Chapter, but the gas drilling ordinance does state that its regulations must comply with the fire code. Therefore, this amendment is directly reflected in the gas drilling ordinance while not an actual amendment to that ordinance.
