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The 31% Property Drop-Merry Christmas!

December 16, 2013



kimshouse        409 North Elm Street, Arlington Texas

home owner

For quite a while, the topic of gas drilling in the urban city and it’s affect on property values has been difficult to report. Hard data has not been made available, and individuals have been reluctant to come forward to admit that shale gas drilling is not a boon but instead a possible drain on a community’s assets.

It appears that the news itself is beginning to seep out as quickly as Tarrant county’s tax dollars flow out the back door.




Kim Feil and her family reside in a sweet little vintage farm house located in the heart of Arlington, Texas.  Since 2009, the house located at 409 North Elm Street has lost 31% of it’s property value. Kim protested her property value determination by Tarrant County due to the close proximity of the pad site in her neighborhood, and won. She posted the news on her blog page dated August 23, 2013 and no one paid attention, until now.

if shale

Since Kim was successful in this process, we encourage others in Ft. Worth, Grand Prairie and any community with shale gas drilling in their neighborhood to follow her lead and protest the value of their property. That giant sucking sound city coffers are beginning to hear is the money going out the back door due to gas drilling in urban settings.

Need more info? Check out Kim’s blog by clicking HERE

Person dumping money into a toilet bowl

Remember, we told you this would happen.

FRACDALLAS story here

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