An Open Carry Group Protested at Dealey Plaza Saturday. There's a YouTube Video.

Categories: Guns

An open carry advocate talks to some kids at Dealey Plaza.

As they've been doing on each third Saturday for months, advocates for the open carrying of firearms gathered -- semiautomatic weapons in tow -- at Dealey Plaza over the weekend. As usual the demonstrators, who call themselves Come and Take It Dallas, handed out literature and preened with their armaments of choice.

Wanting to make this trip downtown special, someone decided to film the group's activities. That video has now been uploaded to YouTube. It's a great watch, complete with direct camera addresses about foreign tourists who want to take the group's guns and direct witnessing to a couple of kids. There's even an extended, deeply weird shot at about the eight and a half minute mark featuring a street preacher decrying sexual iniquity intercut with images of an intimidating looking pink rifle. Check out the full video below.

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weenie waggers


The hardest part of watching these slobbering morons is the impression they're leaving on the hundreds of tourists, visiting this somber, historic site from all over the country and the world, that Texas really is as backward and insane as they've heard. It's so sad to see Dealey Plaza turned into an idiot carnival.


Dear god in heaven, I am so ashamed to have an american passport right now!!


Idiots with guns. Not a good combination.


The Founders of America were extremely intelligent and articulate men who were able to clearly say what they meant.  So it goes with the 2nd Amendment to our constitution, second in importance in their view to the freedoms of speech, religion, press, and so on contained in the 1st Amendment in the ten-amendment Bill of Rights. 

So, I feel quite confident in my strong belief that Americans have every right to own and bear arms, all other things being equal.  But, it has always been understood that the states retained the ability to regulate certain aspects of gun ownership. 

Dallas, and much of Texas, acted to stop open carry of sidearms around the dawn of the Great Depression.  The reason was evident when one added up the number of gunfights and injuries from shootouts. 

So, when the Texas CONCEALED carry law was passed, it was really a return to gun practices from decades ago.  And, it made sense.  Even the police admitted they could no longer prevent crime or adequately protect life and property.  So, concealed carry became the consensus method of citizens protecting themselves. 

The genius of concealed carry was easy; the "bad guys" had no idea who had a gun, and who didn't.  So, they were less likely to act up in any kind of crowd.  But, "open carry" of firearms dismisses all of that, and lets "the bad guys" know who to take out first - the people who were obviously armed. 

I am a strong defender of the Second Amendment, and can demonstrate that crime is generally lower in states with concealed carry.  But, I oppose "open carry" of sidearms for the reason stated above, and because of the likelihood of "cowboy violence" ending up in shootings.


Being a strong supporter of 2nd Amendment rights, I love to see anyone doing positive demonstrations to further support those rights...

However, these open carry guys do more harm than good and I wish they'd go away. When the NRA calls you out for being too extreme, you probably have a seriously flawed approach. dumbasses.


your making this country look like syria  or iran  somalia the way you carry your guns around you should be ashamed of yourself    


These folks are sick! How much you wanna bet this asshat would much rather shoot those "little foreigners" he's talking to!


These people demonstrated their lack of understanding of the constitution and liberty.

What a shameful disgrace 


Some other open carry group should show up and take their weapons. They can say they were threatened and they can stand their ground against these chicken shit racists .


Deacon is a KKK reference. 



The foreigner who resides with you must be to you like a native citizen among you; so you must love him as yourself, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God. "Ain't you going to read the whole bible or are you just using it to brainwash the brain-washable?" Embarrassed.


They must have phallic issues, because real men don't have to carry long guns in public. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. My gun does not have to be shown to be effective.

And, they do MORE to help gun control advocacy than anything else. People see them acting like this, flaunting their guns, in public, and they look stupid.


just plain crazy.  Jesus with a gun, goodness, please stop!! Been on the wrong side of a gun by a drugged up man.  Sure don't want to make it easier for people who are not good citizens to get them.  Of course law abiding citizens can have if they want, just not the other ones. 




Cool, this should put the total kibosh on any sort of tourism at all. It will not shut it down completely but it means the sort of tourist we will be getting will be coming to celebrate our liberal open carry laws.

Other than that, no one in their right should consider bringing their family and expose them to guns on the sight JFK was killed.  And this is nothing more that a HUGE MARKETING promo by the NRA.  And fucked up religious freaks take this as some sort of family machismo shit that makes them look tough. They are not tough, they looked like wussies that they are. 


Rudy:  " Foreigners, they basically don't even celebrate July the 4th"... "Especially those guys in Briton  they don't even celebrate The 4th of July"...'we got a foreigner president, we got a foreigner president who was born in Kenya"  Dear Me-oh-my ....This guy is 31 flavors of Stupid.  Apparently  Rudy's  unaware  of the fact that that  The 4th of July is distinctly an American holiday.  The day that we celebrate Independence Day, our Independence from Briton.  Independence was declared on July 2, 1776 , however The Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.  I would bet the farm that Rudy has never read the Constitution. 


If Jesus hadn't been crucified you so called Christians couldn't claim that you're saved!


If Jesus had a gun he never would have been crucified... TRUTH!

I get that they're guntards but using religion to back it up makes no sense.  They could've at least cut out the guy open carrying with an open container and the tourist pointing it out.


Oh, those "furriners", always dreaming about taking their ghuns away. 


@c.huxtable85 You know, you may think it's tacky, but you have no idea how far the pacification of Americans has come. When people stop absolutely losing their minds over this, then it will be tacky, over the top, attention seeking, etc. Until then, whatever, carry your long arms into Denny's. I don't care. People need to stop associating guns with bad things, all guns, even assault rifles. Right now we've got people so paranoid and brainwashed that they see an assault rifle and freak out. 


@richard518 You're an idiot.  Noting in the Constitution prohibits this.


@richard518 You're an idiot.  No further discussion is required; your feeble brain would explode.


@richard518 It's actually a religious reference that refers to a volunteer position in many churches all over America.


@Tuse Old Testament:  Leviticus 19:34.  Jesus Christ said, "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's and under God the which is God's."

Borders are as much "Caesar's" as taxes, laws, and government.


@bippyizod Actually the NRA denounced these idiots, they quickly took it back, but they still denounced them.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's spelled "Britain".

"Briton" refers to someone from Britain.


@ladyscarkeeper  Yeppers and it is that black furriner with a fake birth certificate that is going to go DOOR TO DOOR himself and take them and then he is going to only let the black people have guns which is why everybody better stock up now. 


@Somerandomguy @c.huxtable85 So how exactly are we supposed to distinguish a "good guy" with a gun from a "bad guy" with a gun?  And you wonder why most rational people freak out when confronted with an ammosexual? 


@Somerandomguy I'd be curious to ask you just how are people supposed to know the difference between who is a good or bad guy where people open/carrying are concerned? 

What about the rest of us and our rights to feel safe walking down the street? If I'm walking down the street and I see a group of people walking down the street with guns slung over their shoulders and I don't know them, how in the hell am I supposed to know if they are good people or not? Further, why the fuck should I have to be made to feel scared in the brief time it takes to walk by them? 

The 2nd amendment, like the 1st amendment has to have some common sense restrictions placed upon it (like none of us have the legal right to scream "fire" in a crowded theater if there is no fire) otherwise we'd all be in each others face as each of us would assume our rights supersede yours. All hell would break loose faster than it would take to sing the national anthem.


@Boboe @richard518 The word "deacon" translates first into "servant".  Churches, ecclesiastical organizations, and some lodges such as Freemasonry have deacons.  But, the word comes from the church. (In some organizations, it also means "steward".)

If you have a better idea, by all means share it. 


@khancock1206 @Somerandomguy @c.huxtable85 When I used to hunt deer, I always wore a handgun on the outside of my jacket in order to have quick access if I needed it to shoot a snake or put a wounded deer out of its misery. 

But, I wouldn't have dreamed about wearing it into town around other people. 

I completely agree that Open Carry removes a great deal of the protective value of Concealed Carry, and destroys the ability to know who the bad guys are for those who Conceal Carry and are trained.


@captfoster2 @Somerandomguy How do you know the person with a handgun strapped to their leg is a "good guy".  And, that's a large part of the problem. 

Open Carry tells the bad guys who to shoot first, as opposed to their not knowing who may or may not be armed. 

Concealed Carry was debated in the legislature before passage, and Open Carry was also debated.  Several police chiefs and criminologists testified that Concealed Carry was better all the way around then Open Carry, and did more to reduce crime. 

I think it's possible the Open Carry people are well-intentioned but just not informed about the comparative results with Concealed Carry. Texas is very fortunate to have a Legislature which has passed reasonable Conceal Carry requirements.  We don't need to further exacerbate problems with the Obama White House by passing at the local or state level permission to wear guns that are showing in restaurants, movie theaters, churches,the grocery store,  hospitals, The State Fair, and similar public places.

TheRuddSki topcommenter





Before reading, I'm gonna bet "Limey" came from anti-scurvy citrus in the Royal Navy. Second guess is Brit aristocracy demanding limes with their GnT's.

Now I'm gonna read the Wiki, and then I hope to high-five myself mentally.

Updated: half-right, anyway, since scurvy prevention was an unexpected bonus. I'll high-2.5 myself.

So the count is: one weird meander into linguistics, followed by self-commentary on an obscure, non-gun-story topic. Yep, this thread has been officially highjacked.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Wiki, hah.

Real reason? Gin 'n tonics, mate.

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