Kenny G Is Involved in the Hong Kong Democracy Protest Story (Really!)

The Slatest
Your News Companion by Ben Mathis-Lilley
Oct. 22 2014 10:16 AM

Kenny G Is Involved in the Hong Kong Democracy Protest Story (Really!)

Kenny G in Pebble Beach in February, before he became the world's leading dissident.

Photo by Stephen Dunn/Getty Images

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a long-awaited official statement on Kenny G. Via the New York Times:

“Kenny G’s musical works are widely popular in China, but China’s position on the illegal Occupy Central activities in Hong Kong is very clear,” a Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, said at a daily news briefing on Wednesday. “We hope that foreign governments and individuals speak and act cautiously and not support Occupy Central and other illegal activities in any form.”

The backstory: Kenny G is well-known in China, and his song "Closing Time" is played ubiquitously there (often in public spaces at, yes, closing time). This week he visited the site of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, tweeting about the demonstrations in mild terms:

Many of those who have condmned the protests, including the Chinese government, have claimed that they are in part the work of foreign/American agitation. The appearance of such a Western icon in Hong Kong was thus seen as a potential act of aggression requiring a stern response.

Here is Kenny G's "Closing Time" set to pictures of green forests and relaxed sea turtles and such.

Here's to a smooth, chill day for everyone in Hong Kong, China, and everywhere else.

Ben Mathis-Lilley edits the Slatest. Follow @Slatest on Twitter.

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