IKEA’s Shining Spoof Captures the Maze-Like Terror of Getting Lost in Its Stores

Brow Beat
Slate's Culture Blog
Oct. 22 2014 12:35 PM

IKEA’s Shining Spoof Admits Its Stores Can Feel Like the Overlook Hotel


IKEA’s megastores are known for their unsettling, maze-like design, where couples bicker endlessly over plates and curtain sets while struggling to find the exit. Now, in a new ad from IKEA Singapore, the furniture company seems to be poking fun at its reputation, by doing a spin on Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.

Perhaps they were inspired by last year’s brilliant IKEA parody that imagined the shopping experience as akin to the lost-in-space conundrum of Gravity? Either way, it’s certainly true that anyone who’s ever gone to their local IKEA store knows that it can feel reminiscent of the Overlook Hotel.

Aisha Harris is a Slate staff writer.

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