Climate Impacts

TckTckTck Climate Guide map

We have partnered with DARA International to create an interactive map of projected climate impacts. Click on a country to learn about global warming impacts, clean energy solutions, and how you can take action on climate change.

Climate Solutions

Wind & Solar Power TckTckTck

We have the solutions to reverse global warming today — from renewable power and energy efficiency to low-carbon transportation and sustainable development. But we need the political will to remove fossil fuel subsidies and put a price on carbon pollution.

Climate Facts

Climate Confusion
What is global warming? What are CO2 emissions and who is responsible for them? Why are some people denying the existence of climate change, and are there real solutions to solve it?Read more »

Climate Voices

UNFCCC and Post-2015
David Nussbaum and Robert Glasser argue that a joined up approach is needed between the UNFCCC and Post-2015 agenda to deliver positive results on the ground. Read more »

More Climate News & Analysis

fossil fuel companies

Report: Fossil fuel companies found paying lip service to climate risks

Coal, oil and gas companies almost universally recognise the risks climate change poses to their businesses, yet just 7% are integrating these threats into their spending choices.

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US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel. Creative Commons: US Department of Defense, 2014

American military leaders identify climate change as an “immediate” security threat

A report released by the US Department of Defense unveils the military's plan to deal with the impacts of climate change.

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Global Frackdown

Global Frackdown sees thousands unite against dirty energy

In over 250 events across the world, thousands of anti-fracking activists from more than a dozen countries joined together this weekend to call for a ban on the dirty energy technology.

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'unburnable' fossil fuels

Bank of England governor warns of ‘unburnable’ fossil fuels

Reiterating his warning that the vast majority of oil reserves should be considered “unburnable”, Bank of England governor Mark Carney has called for climate change risk to be mainstreamed.

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Morocco climate conference fuels further discussions on impacts and economy

Morocco climate conference fuels further discussions on impacts and economy

A conference on climate change wraps up in Morocco today, spearheading longer-term discussions on climate change knowledge and socio-economic security for Africa.

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