All posts tagged "opinion"

  • Letter to the editor: vote ‘yes’ on innovation fee

    I have been at UNT for four years now, and every year I’m charged more money than the year before. The student service fee has increased. Tuition has increased. Fees to fund new construction projects have been added....

    • Posted September 17, 2014
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  • smoking_web
    UNT: enforce the smoking ban or take it back

    Matt Wood / Senior Staff Writer At the start of 2013, UNT administration officially implemented its plan to make the campus “smoke-free.” In a survey from April 2012, about 75 percent of the students said they were...

    • Posted September 16, 2014
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  • android_web
    Big phones, watches, virtual reality, oh my

    Nicholas Friedman / Design Editor Two of the biggest tech juggernauts had keynote conferences this week, giving the wide-eyed and salivating gadget-crazies a glimpse  at the next “Next Big Thing.” Turns out the next big thing seems...

    • Posted September 10, 2014
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  • Washington’s advice for Denton

    Texas Rangers’ manager Ron Washington resigned for personal reasons Friday, and that’s a shame. His seven seasons managing the team saw four 90-win seasons and two pennants. Clearly, neither of those things were going to happen this...

    • Posted September 9, 2014
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  • Helicopter parents bad for everyone

    Parents are a bit protective when you leave for college. That’s understandable to an extent, but the relationship’s dynamic should begin to change. Parents should not attempt to control grown students and students shouldn’t let them. The...

    • Posted September 4, 2014
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  • Opinion: Be sensitive when discussing immigration

    When I read an article about immigration, be it from the North Texas Daily or the New York Times, I have to admit that seeing some compassionate bias would be ideal, but – being a journalist myself...

    • Posted August 28, 2014
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  • 26_socialmedia_web
    Social media pivotal in news cycle

    Your phone is constantly buzzing. Perhaps a text or a call, but it’s probably just an update from one of your social media accounts. While these vibrating outbursts can interrupt classes, they may be delivering breaking news...

    • Posted August 26, 2014
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  • raisingcanes
    Five restaurants Denton needs

    Nicholas Friedman / Senior Staff Writer 1. Raising Cane’s Obviously, Cane’s is delicious and should definitely come here, but the thing is, it’s had plans to come here for at least the past year. Rumored to be...

    • Posted August 8, 2014
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  • airshow
    Review: Denton Airshow

     Joshua Knopp / Senior Staff Writer The constant, angry buzz of propeller blades was constant at the 2014 Denton Airshow held in the airport Saturday morning. The grey sky seemed to smile sadly on the proceedings, but made...

    • Posted June 15, 2014
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    Opinion: It’s all about the Benjamins, maybe

    James Rambin // Contributing Writer n the unlikely event that you follow the exciting world of our university’s funding closely, you might recall that a few days ago, news broke that UNT may have misreported its finances to...

    • Posted April 24, 2014
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