Tribpedia: Ebola Virus in Texas


On Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2014, federal and state health officials confirmed the first case of Ebola in the U.S. in a patient at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

Ebola is a rare but deadly viral disease that is mostly found in Africa. The current Ebola outbreak has been concentrated in poor, West African countries where more than 6 ...


Control Eluded State Leaders in Ebola Crisis

Gov. Rick Perry at a press conference on Oct. 17, 2014, discussing the state's Ebola prevention efforts.
Gov. Rick Perry at a press conference on Oct. 17, 2014, discussing the state's Ebola prevention efforts.

Gov. Rick Perry and other Texas officials are pointing fingers at the Obama administration for botching the Ebola response. But the state did not fully use its own power to restrict travel, quarantine health care workers and limit possible spread of the deadly virus.

Gov. Rick Perry visiting soldiers at Fort Hood on Oct. 9, 2014. The 36th Engineering Brigade is preparing to deploy to Liberia to assist in the effort to control the Ebola outbreak.
Gov. Rick Perry visiting soldiers at Fort Hood on Oct. 9, 2014. The 36th Engineering Brigade is preparing to deploy to Liberia to assist in the effort to control the Ebola outbreak.

The Brief: What More Could Texas Have Done About Ebola?

Criticism by state leaders of the Obama administration for failures in the response to the Ebola virus omits mention of the tools at the state's disposal that were not used.

Texas Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey on WFAA-TV's "Inside Texas Politics" on Oct. 19, 2014, 2014.
Texas Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey on WFAA-TV's "Inside Texas Politics" on Oct. 19, 2014, 2014.

Inside Texas Politics: 'Tis The Season to Start Voting

With the early voting  starting tomorrow, this week's edition of WFAA-TV's Inside Texas Politics with host David Schechter, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy and Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey has a decidedly electoral slant. 

Ebola virus virion. Created by CDC microbiologist Cynthia Goldsmith, this colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed by an Ebola virus virion.
Ebola virus virion. Created by CDC microbiologist Cynthia Goldsmith, this colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed by an Ebola virus virion.

Dallas Hospital Apologizes for "Mistakes" in Ebola Care

A representative of the Dallas hospital under scrutiny for its handling of the first Ebola case in the United States apologized on Thursday for mistakes he said the facility made when it initially misdiagnosed the patient.


Newsreel: Ebola, Voter ID, Abortion

Texas Weekly

This week in the Texas Weekly Newsreel: Ebola has become a big political story this October, the back and forth on the state's voter ID law continues just days before voting starts, and the U.S. Supreme Court says Texas abortion clinics should remain open while courts consider the lawsuits challenging that state law.

Colorized scanning electron micrograph of filamentous Ebola virus particles (red) attached and budding from a chronically infected VERO E6 cell (blue) (25,000x magnification).
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of filamentous Ebola virus particles (red) attached and budding from a chronically infected VERO E6 cell (blue) (25,000x magnification).

Latest Ebola Patient Traveled by Plane, CDC Says

A second health care worker in Dallas who tested positive for the Ebola virus traveled by plane on Monday, one day before reporting symptoms, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The federal public health agency said it is contacting all 132 passengers on the health care worker’s evening flight from Cleveland to Dallas. 

"Breach of Protocol" Led to 2nd Ebola Infection

A health care worker who treated the man who died of Ebola in a Dallas hospital has tested positive for the virus in a preliminary test, state officials reported early Sunday. Dallas officials said the worker who became infected wore full protective gear while treating Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States.



Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins during "All Transportation is Local," part of The Texas Tribune Transportation Symposium on Oct. 17, 2013.
Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins during "All Transportation is Local," part of The Texas Tribune Transportation Symposium on Oct. 17, 2013.

Ebola Response Puts Jenkins in Spotlight, Again

After the first case of Ebola in the U.S. was confirmed in Dallas, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins has been thrust into the national spotlight. It is not the first time Jenkins has been on such a stage, as he has not shied from speaking out on hot-button issues during his time in office.

Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States diagnosed with the Ebola virus, died in Dallas, Texas on Oct. 8, 2014.
Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person in the United States diagnosed with the Ebola virus, died in Dallas, Texas on Oct. 8, 2014.

Dallas Ebola Patient Dies, Hospital Says

A week after the first Ebola case in the U.S. was confirmed at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, the patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, died Wednesday morning, hospital officials said.

Texas Sen. Charles Schwertner, Dr. Brett Giroir and Gov. Rick Perry at the Ebola press conference at the Texas Capitol on Oct. 6, 2014.
Texas Sen. Charles Schwertner, Dr. Brett Giroir and Gov. Rick Perry at the Ebola press conference at the Texas Capitol on Oct. 6, 2014.

Lawmakers to Examine Texas' Public Health Readiness

In the wake of what some have called a botched response to the first known case of Ebola in the United States, Texas lawmakers will meet Tuesday afternoon in Austin to examine the state's public health infrastructure. 


Texas Sen. Dr. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry at a Capitol press conference on Monday announcing creation of a Texas infectious disease task force.
Texas Sen. Dr. Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, and Texas Gov. Rick Perry at a Capitol press conference on Monday announcing creation of a Texas infectious disease task force.

Perry Says Feds Should Screen for Ebola

Gov. Rick Perry is calling on the federal government to screen people for Ebola and set up "quarantine stations" at U.S. points of entry. Saying "there were mistakes made" in the handling of the first U.S. Ebola patient, Perry also announced the creation of a state task force to better prepare for infectious disease outbreaks. 

Texas Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey on WFAA-TV's "Inside Texas Politics" on Oct. 5, 2014.
Texas Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey on WFAA-TV's "Inside Texas Politics" on Oct. 5, 2014.

Inside Texas Politics: Ebola

This week's edition of WFAA-TV's Inside Texas Politics with host Jason Wheeler, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy and Tribune Executive Editor Ross Ramsey is dominated by talk of the first appearance of the Ebola virus in the U.S. 

Ebola virus virion. Created by CDC microbiologist Cynthia Goldsmith, this colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed by an Ebola virus virion.
Ebola virus virion. Created by CDC microbiologist Cynthia Goldsmith, this colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM) revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology displayed by an Ebola virus virion.

Texas Officials' Ebola Contact Investigation Expands

Texas health officials have expanded to 100 their list of people who may have had contact with a man in the Dallas area confirmed to be infected with the Ebola virus. Eighteen people are already under observation.