Malcolm Fraser and John Hewson back ANU fossil fuel divestment decision

Former Liberal leaders sign open letter in support of university’s decision to divest from a number of fossil fuel companies

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Australian National University (ANU) support fossil fuels divestment
Students hold up signs calling for the Australian National University to stop investing in fossil fuels. Photograph: Fossil Free ANU/Facebook

Malcolm Fraser and John Hewson have signed an open letter backing an Australian National University decision to divest its fossil fuels portfolio.

In a full page ad in the Canberra Times, 50 prominent Australians and ethical investors, including former Liberal prime minister Fraser, former Liberal leader Hewson and businessman Graeme Wood, put their names to the open letter supporting the ANU.

“We cannot understand why a government that is committed to deregulating the university sector would question the ability of a university to make investment decisions,” the letter says.

The university has announced its offloading holdings in Iluka Resources, Independence Group, Newcrest Mining, Sandfire Resources, Oil Search, Santos and Sirius Resources for ethical reasons.

The decision represents 1% of the university’s total investment holdings.

Treasurer Joe Hockey and education minister Christopher Pyne have criticised the move.

Hewson warned against bullying from vested interests.

“The mining industry has bought this government like it bought the last one,” Hewson told ABC Radio.

The Liberal party was supposed to stand for freedom and individual choice.

“It’s a totally unjustified intervention by government,” he said.

“If I was a superannuation fund manager I would wonder how long it would be before they start instructing us where we should invest our money.”

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