Items Tagged with 'quebec'


Union Gas Joins Calls for TransCanada to Build Separate Oil Pipeline

A second central Canadian natural gas distribution company stepped forward Friday with a demand for TransCanada Corp. to pay all costs of partially converting its Mainline to oil service. Read More

Ontario Utilities, Fertilizer Manufacturers Seek Fast-Track for More U.S. Shale Gas Imports

A C$2.3 billion (US$2.1 billion) and growing lineup of pipeline and industrial projects has formed in Ontario and Quebec for further increases in Canadian imports of shale gas from the eastern United States. Read More

Quebec Political Shift Could Crack the Door to Fracking

Odds increased Monday that drilling and hydraulic fracturing will eventually spread into Quebec's share of eastern shale deposits, when the Liberal party returned to power on a business-friendly campaign platform of encouraging job-creating economic growth. Read More

Quebec Leaders JV With Producers in Remote Anticosti Island Drilling

The surprising announcement recently by anti-drilling Quebec provincial government leaders and several Canadian producers that they were getting together... Read More

Agreement Will Add Capacity for Shale Gas to Eastern Canada

Canada's top natural gas transmission and distribution companies have completed a deal that calls for three cooperative pipeline expansions to improve Ontario and Quebec access to U.S. shale gas flowing north through border crossings from Michigan and New York State near Sarnia and Niagara Falls in Ontario over at least the next 16 years. Read More

Doorway to Canada Opens Wider for U.S. Shale Gas

Canada's top natural gas transmission and distribution companies have concluded a deal to pave the way for growing imports of shale gas supplies from the United States... Read More

Canadian Imports of U.S. Gas Climbed During First Half 2013

The value of the trade accelerated 12 times faster than the volume, according to the most recent data available. Read More

TransCanada Tastes First Revenue from Toll Revisions

The pipeline raised C$296 million, it disclosed, as Canada's National Energy Board began hearings on hotly contested proposals for tariff changes. Read More

TransCanada Tries to Calm Fears Over Mainline Oil Conversion

 The pipeline said it "is committed to continuing to meet the needs of its gas customers in eastern Canada and the northeastern United States." Read More