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Wasserman Schultz: "We Have An Opportunity To Pick Up Seats And Beyond That, I Wouldn't Make Other Predictions"

DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: I think we are still really in a neck and neck situation in terms of whether or not we see pickups for Democrats or pickup for Republicans. This is an election where in every single competitive race it's coming down to the wire. For example, four years ago in 2010 the DCCC let loose a whole lot of incumbents. There is not an incumbent Democrat that today you would predict would be losing.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Is there a chance for Democrats to pick up the House of Representatives?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: I think the best thing that I could predict is we have an opportunity to pick up seats. Beyond that I wouldn't make any other predictions.

SCARBOROUGH: So why is that if the Republicans have been so extreme him Democrats and people in media have said why are Republicans going to be rewarded with two more years of balancing the House of Representatives?

WASSERMAN SCHULTZ: Well, look at it another way, this is an election in which why are the Republicans doing so badly? They’re doing so badly if a second term mid-term with a Democratic president, where the president’s Party loses on average 29 seats, and you know there is even a question mark whether the Republicans will pick up any seats at all.

They could still lose seats, because they are extreme. They’ve put suing the president for doing his job at the top of the agenda. they put investigating Benghazi 13 times at the top of the agenda, and Democrats all across the country have put creating jobs, getting the economy turned around, fighting for the middle class, supporting a minimum wage. That’s why the Republicans are not trending with history and why there are still competitive races all over the country. For the Governors, for the House and the Senate.

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