Five games to beat the summer heat

By on July 8, 2014

Nicholas Friedman // Senior Staff Writer

So the summer is in full swing and even though you may have a summer class to attend, you may be looking for a way to beat the heat, kick back, and play some video games. No, I don’t mean Clash of Clans. Put that down.

But what is there to play?

Sure, most of the big name games like Destiny, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and Assassin’s Creed Unity don’t come out until the fall, but there is a way to make the wait just a little bit better. Here are some games that you may not have heard much of, but will surely cool you off from the 100 degree temperatures of the Texas heat.


Transistor is the type of game that picks you up in its immersive atmosphere and doesn’t let you go, which may seem odd for a game that is made up of 2D, isometric graphics. Everything from the fluidity of gameplay to the melody of the music helps to create a world that you’ll want to be wrapped up in. But what is Transistor?

Transistor puts you in the shoes of Red, a pop star whose voice has been stolen who is seeking revenge on those responsible. The game begins with Red pulling a sword, The Transistor, out of a man who was killed by the same people that took her voice. From there the sword begins to build a relationship with Red and becomes your partner for the game. The banter between sword and swordswomen is what the gameplay and story revolve around, with Red using The Transistor to cut down her enemies.

If fast-paced, rhythmic action and an unorthodox love story is your cup of tea, Transistor is worth a shot.

Platforms: Windows, Playstation 4
Price: $14.99 (Download Only)


The Sims 4 doesn’t come out until September and you’re itching to play God, and you also happen to own a Nintendo 3DS. This is where Tomodachi Life comes in. Tomodachi, which means friend in Japanese, is the basis of this absolutely ridiculous, quirky world simulator by Nintendo. The game takes place on an island to which you are the sole creator, and you invite Miis, Nintendo’s trademark avatars, to rent out apartments on the island. From here the Miis take on lives of their own, developing voices, personalities and even relationships.

Sure, that sounds terribly weird, but the game is also scarily addictive. Miis will hold events, perform at concerts, get married and even have kids. Haven’t you ever wondered what Snoop Dogg and Pocahontas’ kid would look like? How about if Tyrion from Game of Thrones worked at a clothing store? That is where Tomodachi Life shines. Don’t worry, no one will make you play it in public.

Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Price: $34.99


So maybe simulation games aren’t your thing and you are more in the market for masochistic gameplay. Well fret not, there is a game for that.

1001 Spikes takes all of the fun and expressiveness of Super Mario Bros. and condemns it to hell, in a good way. This four-player retro platformer puts players in control of characters traversing a world in which spikes can appear randomly at any moment, and they appear everywhere. Spikes come from the ceiling, from the skies, even from the bodies of enemies and bosses.

Similar to the 2010 game Super Meat Boy, the game has a steep learning curve that is equal parts rewarding as it is frustrating. This is the kind of game for those who are good at games, or those that like to screw with their friends. Who doesn’t like to mess with their friends?

Platforms: Playstation 4, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, PC
Price: $14.99


Existing in a similar, yet slightly less frightening fashion, Shovel Knight aims to recapture a classic love for side scrolling video games by injecting a wacky and unique premise into the game: the main character uses a shovel. He digs, and digs, and digs, and sometimes he finds treasure, but there is a deeper story here.

Spawned from a 2013 Kickstarter project, Shovel Knight puts players in a world straight out of 1985 and tasks them with taking down the evil that has filled the world since Shovel Knight last defended it, before gruesome events took his beloved friend Shield Knight from him. With groovy, chiptune music and intelligent, blocky visuals, Shovel Knight will make the warm summer days just a little bit cooler, and not just because the main character is blue.

Platforms: Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, PC
Price: $14.99


There are three of these? Welcome to the best shooter that you’ve never heard of. The Sniper Elite series has, for the last few years, turned the first person shooter genre on its head in terms of tactics. Instead of fast-paced, close-quarters combat, Elite puts players behind the barrel of a sniper rifle and tasked with taking out the world’s most dangerous men.

Taking into account things like distance, wind speed and you know, ammo, Sniper Elite may not be the best looking of games, but it sure is interesting. With bullet tracking and x-ray shots similar to those found in Mortal Kombat, this will at least be a unique way to pass the time until the heavy-hitter shooters come out of the pipeline this fall.

Platforms: Playstation 4, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Price: $49.99

Feature Image: Photo courtesy of 1001 Spikes Facebook page.

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