Highland Park ISD parents told Jenkins hasn’t created risk

The Highland Park school district sent a note Monday to parents of Armstrong Elementary School students, assuring them that their children aren’t at risk of contracting Ebola through the daughter of Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.

Jenkins’ daughter attends Armstrong. Because the county judge has met with people who came into contact with Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, a few parents had expressed concerns.

The note to parents said Jenkins “has asked us to pass along the assurance of public health officials that he and his family are not at risk for exposure to Ebola as a result of his work on the case.”

It added: “Although there is no immediate cause for concern, HPISD nurses will continue to monitor students and staff for any symptoms of the virus.”

Jenkins has spent considerable time with the family from a Vickery Meadow apartment where Duncan stayed. Over the weekend, he drove the family members to an undisclosed location, where they will wait in isolation to see if they fall ill.

None of the family members has developed symptoms of Ebola. Therefore, health experts say, there’s no possible risk of their transmitting the disease.

Jenkins said he met with the family in part to show the community that there’s no cause for panic. At one point, he mentioned that he hadn’t so much as changed his shirt after spending time with the family.

“If there was any risk, I wouldn’t expose myself or my family,” he said.

Jenkins was at Armstrong speaking with parents Monday afternoon, according to one parent. He didn’t return telephone calls seeking comment.

Follow Matthew Watkins on Twitter at @mwatkinsDMN.

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