Ebola chat: Get your questions answered

Update: The chat below is now closed, but Dr. Yasmin continues to answer questions on Twitter using the hashtag #DMNEbola. She is holding periodic live Twitter chats, but she’s also replying with answers in between reporting and TV interviews. Review answers or tweet your own questions using #DMNEbola. For all Ebola coverage, visit dallasnews.com/ebola.

Ebola inhumation team in Sierra Leone. Ask questions about Ebola.

A member of a specialized Ebola inhumation team cleans a house on Monday in Sierra Leone. (AFP/Getty)

As details of the Ebola investigation continue to unfold, we will answer your questions about Ebola and events here in Dallas.

We have breaking news and in-depth coverage on Ebola here and will answer your questions over the next few days in the chat below.

Please leave your question in the live chat module and I’ll be checking in periodically to reply and answer in-line through Friday afternoon. (If you’re on a mobile and having problems viewing or submitting questions, try here instead.)



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