TIME ebola

Drugmakers Working Together to Mass Produce Ebola Vaccine

Britons Test New Ebola Vaccine
Ruth Atkins has her blood taken before receiving her injection of the ebola vaccine called Chimp Adenovirus type 3 (ChAd3), she is the first healthy UK volunteer to receive an ebola vaccine, at the Oxford Vaccine Group Centre for Clinical Vaccinology and Tropical Medicine (CCVTM) on September 17, 2014 in Oxford, England. WPA Pool—Getty Images

Johnson & Johnson and GlaxoSmithKline, two of the world's largest drugmakers, are already working together to make vaccine doses

The world’s leading drugmakers are collaborating to develop millions of doses of an Ebola vaccine for use next year, aiming to prevent West Africans and frontline healthcare workers from contracting the deadly virus.

Johnson & Johnson said Wednesday that its goal is to produce 1 million doses of a two-step vaccine next year, and is already collaborating with Britain’s GlaxoSmithKline, Reuters reports.

The two companies could combine their vaccines and support each other’s work, while other companies are volunteering to provide production capacity. “I have spoken with (GlaxoSmithKline chief executive) Andrew Witty over the past few days several times as colleagues on how we are going to solve this,” Johnson & Johnson U.S. research chief Stoffels told reporters. “It might even be that we have to combine their vaccine with ours.”

The World Health Organization wants tens of thousands of people in West Africa, including frontline healthcare workers, to start receiving Ebola vaccines in January as part of clinical trials.


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