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Economics, Health Care

As the courts turn: The continuing legal perils of Obamacare

Legal challenges to various aspects of Obamacare (aka the Affordable Care Act) keep traveling on a rollercoaster. Today’s episode of the law’s continuing courtroom soap operate involves a ruling by a federal district court in Oklahoma, which overturned a 2012 IRS rule authorizing premium assistance tax credits in federal exchanges (since rebranded as “federally facilitated marketplaces”). The decision improves the likelihood that the Supreme Court ultimately will consider this issue on appeal; either in the spring of 2015 or during its next 2015-2016 term. read more >

Pethokoukis, Economics, U.S. Economy

‘Gone with the Wind’ and the case for shorter copyright terms

Over at Pacific Standard, Noah Berlatsky writes about the strange copyright case of Alice Randall’s 2001 “The Wind Done Gone,” a parody of “Gone with the Wind.” Berlatsky notes that “a district court at first forbade publication of ‘The Wind Done Gone,’ arguing the work was a sequel rather than a parody, and therefore didn’t warrant fair-use protection.” read more >

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Economics, U.S. Economy

Your retirement crisis, in 2 charts

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Syl Schieber and I return to the question of whether Americans face a “retirement crisis,” as many articles and organizations have claimed. The first chart is from the OECD and compares the income of retirees in a given country to the average income in that country. This isn’t a “replacement rate” as generally understood in the US, but it does show the relative well-being of workers and retirees. read more >