Apple upstages its own launch as details of new iPad appear online

  • Pictures and details appear on iPad user guide
  • Products will have Touch ID sensors and improved camera
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Apple ceo Tim Cook with iPad Air
Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, at the launch of the first generation of iPad Air, in October 2013. Photograph: Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

Apple managed to scoop its own product launch on Wednesday, publishing details of its latest iPads a day ahead of its latest (usually) tightly controlled media event.

Pictures and details about the new iPad Air and iPad mini showed up after Apple updated its iOS 8 iPad user guide online. Apple is usually fiercely secretive about its new products, keeping them under wraps until the day of its media launch.

The screenshots confirm what many analysts had expected. The new tablets, “iPad Air 2″ and “iPad mini 3”, are nearly identical to their predecessors but will now have Touch ID sensors in the home button. The improved camera will allow people to take rapid fire “burst” shots – a feature available in later model iPhones.

The leak coincided with Google’s unveiling of its latest top-end smartphone and tablet, the 6in Nexus 6 and the 8.9in Nexus 9, along with the next version of Android 5.0 – called “Lollipop”.

If it was accidental, it will be the second PR blunder Apple has made over a product launch this year. Last month Apple downloaded free copies of U2’s new album Songs of Innocence on to its customers’ iTunes accounts. Lead singer Bono apologised for the stunt during a question and answer session on Facebook on Wednesday. “Oops, I’m sorry about that,” said Bono. “I had this beautiful idea and we kind of got carried away with ourselves.”

Apple will unveil full details of the devices tomorrow as well as new Mac hardware and the OS X Yosemite operating system at an event in Cupertino, California. The event will be far lower-key than the recent iPhone and watch launch but is still vital for Apple. Sales of iPads dropped off dramatically in the first half of 2014.

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