Dallas May Soon Declare Ebola Disaster But THERE'S STILL NO REASON TO PANIC!!

By Emily Mathis
Published Thu., Oct. 16 2014 at 4:36 PM

Prepared to declare disaster, Dallas County officials swerved from the dramatic statement at the last minute this afternoon.

On Thursday, Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, Mayor Mike Rawlings, and members of city health authorities convened for an emergency commissioners court meeting to officially declare disaster in Dallas. But after a private debate, and a significantly tamer public discussion, the court agreed that while disaster declaration was a "tool in the toolbox," it's not quite time to say there's an emergency in Dallas.

Court members stressed how well Dallas is handling the Ebola outbreak and implied that declaring disaster would increase the level of fear and uncertainty throughout the city and indeed the country.

"I think given what is happening locally, it has an impact nationally, and as such we need to move cautiously with this declaration," Commissioner John Wiley Price said. "It is in our toolbox, but I am not sure ... whether it is premature."

And panic seemed to be biggest issue city officials were keen to avoid. Each official noted that despite the increasingly dismal rhetoric, people within the city of Dallas and throughout the country should not be scared out of their minds, yet.

But it's clear the hysterics have already begun. Despite repeated pleas from officials to avoid public panic and media emphasis on the minimal risks of the average person contracting Ebola, there are a number of ways in which people across the country are clearly losing their cool.

On the other hand, as the Washington Post details, a little panic could do us some good -- clearly a lack of immediacy and alarm have already led to a number of serious allegations, foremost among them that Presbyterian Hospital delayed more stringent measures to prevent the spread of the virus.

So what do you think, Dallas? Ready to panic yet?