Dallas Sheriff Lupe Valdez Signs Letter Supporting Same-Sex Marriage. So We Pop the Obvious Question.

Categories: News

Harry Wilonsky
Sheriff Lupe Valdez says it's time for marriage equality in Texas.
Last week, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals received a letter signed by more than 50 Texas law enforcement officials who support same-sex marriage, according to the Texas Tribune. Among them was Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez, the county's first Hispanic, first female and first lesbian sheriff.

When we heard the news, we had one question for the sheriff: Are there wedding bells in her future?

Valdez told us that she's in a fresh relationship right now and that the m-word has come up, but nothing's imminent. Ask her in a few years, she said, and maybe ...

See also:- Dallas County Sheriff Lupe Valdez is the Unlikely Star of a Pretty Cool HBO Documentary

Her real motive for signing the letter was basic fairness. An activist group approached Valdez and asked her to attach her name (not the sheriff's department) to the letter that states Texas doesn't give gay and lesbian first-responders "the equal dignity and respect they deserve." In the months to come, the 5th Circuit will hear arguments on the state's ban on same-sex marriage. Valdez said the time has come for gay and lesbian law officers, paramedics and firefighters to be treated fairly under the law.

If she were killed on duty, Valdez said, her partner wouldn't be able to receive any city or state benefits she's accumulated from her years in law enforcement. If she were straight, this wouldn't be the case.

"We're law enforcement," she said, "and we need to be fair to everybody. Why should the LGBT community be left out?"

Dallas County has the seventh-largest sheriff's department in the nation, Valdez said, and she's pretty sure that's why she was approached to sign the letter.

Send your story tips to the author, Sky Chadde.

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Lupe signed the letter?  GREAT!  She learned to write...unless she did that "X" thing.


Lupe Valdez is





A bigots wet dream.

Let the jizz flow.  

bvckvs topcommenter

Lupe got it wrong.  She said that her girlfriend would get nothing if she died, while the girlfriend of a straight male cop would get stuff.  That's not true.  Neither would get anything.


About 15 years ago Travis County elected what one newsman described as a "militant lesbian" their Sheriff.

A friend who had been her boss at the Texas prison system in Huntsville,  looked kinda like the guy on horseback next to Sheriff Lupe,   took great offense.

"I don't think she's the least bit militant ..."

Like Sheriff Lupe,  she did an excellent job. 

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

That signature was last week.

This week is the Gay Softball World Series with over 4000 participants.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

People back home scoff at Myrna for living in Texas.  Having a Lesbian elected several times to a high position here in Dallas gives me some comeback ammo.  And an even bigger bragging point is Houston's Gay Mayor, something New York and Philly have never had. 


I'd rather see that chunkster of a LEO chase down an armed robber than a petition supporting gay pseudo-marriage. 

holmantx topcommenter

I think I saw her while riding my bike on the Santa Fe Trail this morning!

Fast walking.

In fact, I think I saw about 50 women who also looked just like her.

I certainly hope we aren't paying for all her security doubles.  

Who did we elect?

The Penguin?


We should be GLAAD that Dallas County voters have provided an on-the-job-training career for an unqualified, bureaucratic in-fighter. The Dallas Co. jail in particular has been mismanaged to the taxpayers' detriment. Still, in the longer view, her election broke the ab initio chain of conservative, white, male sheriffs, which is a good thing, I suppose.

OTOH, none of the GOBs had to be "coached" to finally pass the LE exam.

Besides being true, I mainly said all that so I could work in "GLAAD."

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Just a question.  Why does the letter signed by 50 LEO's have any more significance than a similar letter signed by 50 random people off of the street?

That and she is not signing as the Sheriff, but the advocacy group doesn't have a problem saying that the Sheriff of Dallas County signed the letter.


Like the leo exam, they gave her a couple do-overs.



I guess you don;t think a LEO needs to be physically capable of doing the job?  Any old slob will do as well as another?

Things like wrestling a 6'5" 350lb naked and sweat slick man high on PCP to the ground and cuffing them may be a wet dream for _you_, but it can be a real chore and dangerous for LEOs.  Think Lupe is up to the task?



Margo Frazier, to whom you refer, did not embarrass her jurisdiction and her profession and her department by struggling to pass the standard, state-wide LE test, as this one did. Frazier never let the Travis Co. jail lapse to the point it was making national lists, and threatened with decertification and loss of grants, as was Dallas Co.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz well,  Ed Koch always denied it ... said he wasn't. Most of us who actually heard about it figured he was fibbing,  just couldn't get a date with any sighted-person.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


If I was a fleeing crook, I'd want Lupe chasing me. I could stop for lunch.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Penguins are usually in better shape.



"Just a question.  Why does the letter signed by 50 LEO's have any more significance than a similar letter signed by 50 random people off of the street?"

It doesn't, as long as those "50 random people off of the street" have a particularized and concrete interest in the question before the court.  Most likely they don't because "I hate the gaze" isn't really particularized or a legally recognized interest.  

However, a gay law enforcement officer who has a specific injury caused by the state's policy (i.e. the state will piss all over my significant other while giving money to a straight spouse in exactly the same circumstances) does have a particularized interest, because they law directly affects her relationship and legal rights.  The appellate courts often hear from non-parties before deciding legal issues that have wide sweeping legal effects beyond the parties actually involved in the litigation (see, e.g., the chamber of commerce's brief in almost every commercial case before the SCOTUS).  That way, it can take into account as many of the possible effects of its ruling as possible.  Here, the amicus brief provides an example of the far reaching effects of the State's policy that the actual plaintiff probably could not have raised (I assume the actual plaintiff is not a first responder). 


@roo_ster @JackJett I want to see Loopy Lupe in a foot race with someone much older like Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  She'd never get off the starting block. 

Even worse, she's never managed anything, and was a baggage in inspector before she retired as a baggage inspector, and was never in law enforcement. 

When I tell people Dallas, Texas, has a hefty, lesbian, liberal Democrat and Hispanic for a Sheriff, they don't know whether to faint or offer condolences.  

What's worse, the woman has had hardly any training, has a morale problem in the department, and is way too political for the job.  Even worse, she's over-done the gay thing....as usual. 


@noblefurrtexas YOUR entire life is a nightmare so jizz out baby ....jizz till you can't jizz no more, the stick your finger up your azz and jizz a lil more.  

Think of that hot buttcrack on Robert Jeffress....hot damn crack...just awaiten 4 ur jizz.....



 I believe you'll find the Dallas County jail was in that condition long before Sheriff Lupe took office.  She got the problems corrected.  Thanks for giving me a reason to make that point.

Test-taking,  I definitely don't discount somebody taking it over.   She passed,  didn't she?

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

12 years in office. A lifetime in the closet.


@Montemalone @roo_ster   Now look how cool Monte is.  I feel bad now.   I was so rude to you in my response and Monte offers to fuck your asshole.  What a nice guy and he already knows that you are as big as Lupe AND her horse and he is still willing to go on a Survival type of search for it.  And give it to you.   Though, just a heads up, he usually doesn't include lube or poppers but in your case he will probably use saran wrap under his condom.

holmantx topcommenter


Naw man I'm talking about The Penguin in Batman.  You know, 

Burgess Meredith

or maybe Danny DeVito.


@Guesty LEOs should have no more weight in Austin and with the media that any other citizen.  In fact, I have a problem with someone sworn to defend and protect the Texas Constitution, and to enforce the laws of the state...only to take unfair conflicting advantage of her position to advocate something that is illegal.

Fortunately, Texas does not have 'initiative and referendum', and any attempt to change the Texas Constitution has to be voted on state-wide by all the registered voters. And, the Legislature voting to change the law without taking it to the people for a vote would redefine "unpopular". 

Texas already allows for civil unions, the equivalent of marriage, but without the title.  But, apparently there are those - like the Sheriff - who want to throw it in the face of Texans in a desperate effort to gain respect and civil acceptance of whatever perverted notions they have.


@JackJett @noblefurrtexas Awwwwwwww...now you've gone and hurt my feelings, as well as breaking you word.  Typical. 

But, your rank obsession with bodily waste functions and locations clearly give you away as well as looking like a crude, rude, bumpkin at your end of the spectrum. And, 

Suggesting normal straight people are homosexuals is not only hypocritical, but very demonstrative of being unable to disagree without being disagreeable. 

And, the clever strategy of grossly insulting one of the world's most popular clergy and pastors  because he doesn't play in your peculiar corner of  the pig stye, is just beyond the purple veil.  You oughta have your own show.  


@JackJett @noblefurrtexas 

Internal monologues ought to remain _internal_, Double-J.

With practice and heavy medicaiton, you may (one day) be allowed back into the ranks of normal and useful people.


@fordamist @wcvemail Don't feel bad about being wrong.  In fact, The Dallas County Jail, under the previous excellent command of Major Bob Knowles, passed all jail inspections - most the first time, had fewer fights, fewer complaints, and few lack-of-proper-maintenance citations. 

Loopy, a former baggage inspector (like TSA), continuously failed jail inspections because she knew zip about law enforcement or jails.  In fact, she didn't pass an inspection until help was purchased for her. 

Dallas County's Jail, prior to Loopy, was not cited on any national bad lists as a horrible place.  Loopy owns that on her own. 

Most of us don't get continuous do-overs on tests - especially competency tests.  I don't about you, but I NEVER got a second chance on a final exam, on military exams, or on mandatory licensing  exams. 

In short, Loopy has been a terrible sheriff, is not competent to have the job, was elected by a fluke, and has brought all the wrong things to the job. 

No; I'm not a fan.


@fordamist @wcvemail

Regarding the jail, it was indeed corrected on her watch, but not due to any special effort on her part. In fact, that issue lingered for years, long after national listing.

Regarding the test, she flunked it at least once I know, possibly multiple flunks, after her essential LE license had been expired for quite some time since she was elected. For an extended period (a couple of years?), she was not licensed to carry a weapon or make arrests.

Is she a failure? No. Excellent? Absolutely not. I'll say again, the taxpayers have paid for her OJT. She was absolutely unqualified when she took office.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Imagine what might had been accomplished if she was top of the class.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Danny loves his weed, Lupe would pop him.


@noblefurrtexas @Guesty 

Holy hell, you are poorly informed.  

First, anyone has standing to file an amicus brief if they can explain a specific and particularized interest in the legal issue.  The freaking chamber of commerce regularly files amicus briefs in commercial cases, and it's only interest in making money for its members.  But not liking gay people isn't an interest that would allow you to file a brief.  By the way, neither would liking gay people, so it works both ways. 

Second, the vast majority of courts to consider the issue have held that bans on same sex marriage violate the United States Constitution.  That is what is in dispute in the case at hand.  If the 9 of 10 courts to consider the issue are right, it literally is meaningless if the Texas Constitution takes a contrary position because that part of the Texas Constitution would be void.

Third, Texas does not allow for civil unions.  A gay couple in Texas has no ability to achieve the same legal rights as a married couple .  For example, the significant other of the Sheriff of Dallas County is entitled to no benefits that are available to the wife of the Wise County Sheriff.  This is why the Sheriff has standing to explain how the law directly affects her life.   

holmantx topcommenter


Now that's a visual.

I think DeVito could take her.

I'd pay money.  Like Billie Jean King vs Bobby Riggs.  

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This is a family blog.

holmantx topcommenter


Adams Family

or Manson

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