New York Oil & Gas Enforcement - Violations

The New York DMR does not publish data on violations in its annual report, and an email inquiry to DMR revealed that New York does not yet keep oil and gas violations data in a publicly accessible electronic database.[1]

For more information:


1 In response to an email request for information on inspections, violations, and complaints Earthworks received this reply: “The Division of Mineral Resources does not currently have a database for the information requested below. We are preparing to have one in operation at the time high-volume hydraulic fracturing activities are approved to go forward in the state. We do have paper records located in the field offices where the proposed wells were drilled. The record [sic] are filed by county, operator and by well name. You can review the paper records at our . . . offices.”(Source: Email from New York Division of Mineral Resources to Lisa Sumi. Sept 31, 2011.)

Tagged with: violations, regulations, oil and gas, new york department of environmental conservation, new york, fracking, enforcement, drilling

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