Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Still Doesn't Believe in Climate Change

Thumbnail image for DroughtLakeDeadFish.jpg
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Lake O.C. Fisher outside San Angelo, summer 2011.
Global climate change is real, it's caused by people, and it will have a significant, often unpredictable impact on the United States and the human beings who live here.

Those are the takeaways from the third-ever National Climate Assessment, an 840-page, congressionally mandated tome released by the White House on Tuesday.

The effects of climate change, the report says, are already being seen in longer, hotter summers, shorter winters, and an increase in extreme weather events. This will continue, and it will get worse.

The report warns of dire consequences if steps aren't taken to address the problem: water shortages, disease outbreaks, more powerful hurricanes, and so on. Texas, which is lumped in with the Great Plains, will experience "both increasing heavy rain and snow events and more intense droughts." The 2011 Texas drought gave a taste of what's to come.

The report is the product of hundreds of experts overseen by a 60-member federal advisory committee, and it represents the overwhelming consensus of climate scientists. Not that this matters to Republicans, who were quick to condemn the report as, in the words of House Science Chairman Lamar Smith of San Antonio, "a political document intended to frighten Americans into believing that any abnormal weather we experience is the direct result of human CO2 emissions."

That's about the response you'd expect from a Republican politician circa 2014, National Geographic's optimistic prediction that the NCA will bridge the partisan divide notwithstanding. More troubling is the response from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

From The Dallas Morning News:

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, run by three Perry appointees, issued a statement late Tuesday blasting climate science findings such as those in the assessment, which says that "human activities are now the dominant agents of change" and that warming trends are clear.

"It is clear that the science of global warming is far from settled," the TCEQ countered. For example, reducing coal use, the agency said, would raise energy prices, especially on the poor.

"This is the true environmental impact of the war on coal," the TCEQ said.

In other words, the chances that Texas will be proactive about planning for the impacts of climate change are close to nil.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

My Voice Nation Help

On one hand, by the time we get enough of these morons on board to do something about this, it'll be way too late to actually have any measurable impact on global climate. On the other hand, I'm fairly confident that I'll be able to say "I told you so." That's always fun. 


Came to the comments for the same 5 idiots spewing the stupid...

/leaving satisfied

TheRuddSki topcommenter

You can pretty much file this report away, a real expert has weighed in.

According to the increasingly bizarre greasy little pig and treasonous thief, Harry Reid, the "Main causes" of global warming are the Koch brothers.

This is about the 60th time this batshit- loon surrender monkey has attacked the Kochs from the senate floor this year, maybe they should be arrested!


The "conservative" position is that we should do nothing about the changing climate because they a) believe in conspiracy theories (the research-funding mafia) and b) they can find a few outliers in the science realm that will agree with them. Meanwhile, if they're wrong and the world-wide scientific consensus is correct that won't even matter because in "conservative" world your beliefs can never be wrong, they can only be distorted by the enemies you see around you in the media and the government and the universities....

holmantx topcommenter

You can't get funding for research or publish in the atmospheric sciences if you don't kiss the President's ring on man-made Global Warming.  It's a racket.

EXTRA! 'father' of global warming recants!

Two months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to msnbc.com in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change. Lovelock is a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist. Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement, was a much-honored working scientist and academic.

Lovelock’s invention of the electron capture detector in 1957 first enabled scientists to measure CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other pollutants in the atmosphere, leading, in many ways, to the birth of the modern environmental movement.

Having observed that global temperatures since the turn of the millennium "have not gone up in the way computer-based climate models predicted, Lovelock acknowledged, "twelve years is a reasonable time" for the warming to occur.  Yet the temperature "has stayed almost constant, whereas it should have been rising" as carbon dioxide was rising."

“The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago.”

He responds to attacks on his revised views by noting that, unlike many climate scientists who fear a loss of government funding if they admit error, as a freelance scientist, he’s never been afraid to revise his theories in the face of new evidence. Indeed, that’s how science advances."

"That's how science advances".. but ACC is a stagnant 'science' - it admits to no possible conclusions but it's own.. scam science.

And a scam President.

CogitoErgoSum topcommenter

I second Hulk's comment below about common sense environmentalism. Regardless of whether you think science has an inkling of how human activity has or hasn't affected global climate, aren't there plenty of common-sense things that could be done now that we just aren't doing because of the corporate/political machine?

Less reliance on fossil fuels means better air/water quality. It also means less volatility economically and politically, as supply and demand of these fuels rises and falls. All the oil, gas and coal in the Earth's crust would't matter if cars ran on hydrogen and power plants ran on solar and wind.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Here is an interesting observation made by Adam Corner of the New Scientist that I find myself in agreement with:

"The climate change argument is not really about the science; it is about politics and values. Consider, for example, the finding that people with politically conservative beliefs are more likely to doubt the reality or seriousness of climate change.  Accurate information about climate change is no less readily available to these people than anybody else.  But climate policies such as the regulation of industrial emissions often seem to clash with conservative political views.  And people work backwards from their values, filtering the facts according to their pre-existing beliefs."

RTGolden1 topcommenter

When a species, any species, does not have effective natural predation, it tends to overpopulate and destabilize its environment.  Taking that into consideration I have discovered the environmentalists/liberals true goal with the global climate crisis.  They want more WARS.  

Mankind's only effective natural predator is other humans.  To fix anthropomorphic climate change, we have to reduce the amount of anthros (people, for some of the mouth-breathing bug zapper watchers).  The only way to do so is to eliminate the breeding stock, which in humans is those between the ages of say 18 and 38 (effectively leaving me outside the window, an old Republican trick i picked up along the way, also a favorite of Democrats when passing dubious 'public welfare' Acts).  In the US, liberals aren't so 'up-front' with their anthro-hatred as to openly advocate for warfare.  Instead the advocate for the reduced use of fossil fuels, which will lead to energy and food shortages (neat the way the 'cure' for climate change is likely to cause the very possibilities it is intended to avert), thus starving the poor or freezing them to death.  I think the choice of starving or freezing or getting collateral damaged to death is of little comfort to those future victims.

All of this hyperbole aside, the real point is: Identifying climate change is easy, blaming it on human activity is easy.  Any jackhole (who isn't bound by republican science boundaries) could reach those conclusions.  Anybody who denies climate change itself, should just start the anthro reduction by offing themselves.  The tough part is figuring out how to slow climate change without causing the mass deaths of huge numbers of people.  People make pollution, always have, always will.  You're not going to stop that, without killing lots of people.  That might be cold or heartless or simple, but it's the truth, it's the one inescapable truth in this whole debate.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


It's not often that someone interrupts heated debates with such good news that all can applaud. Bravo, mate.


@TheRuddSki  I'm guessing you are pretty much as uneducated as they come - dumber than a box of rocks.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@ozma207 and, in the interest of fair play, everything you just posted could be turned about and placed at the feet of the liberal environmental agenda as well.  That's part of the reason why the terms 'conservative' and 'liberal' have no literal meaning in politics anymore.  They are labels used by those who hold the reins of power and influence to keep those being subjected separated and at each others' throats.

Congratulations on playing your part.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Scott Walker, I think governors have a leg up due to management experience. He's popular with democrats, kicked union ass, etc.

Bobby Jindal, again, a governor. Seems idea and results oriented. I think he's catholic, that won't help.

Chris Christie I like, but I dunno if the base is keen.

Please, no senators. I also think a repub should

A. Push weed decriminalization

B. Avoid social issues as much as possible, accept GM as inevitable.

C. Articulate which good parts of O'care to keep, which to dump

D. Demonstrate the ability that GW Bush showed as governor and president to work with democrats - (even though they back stabbed and he got criticized by his own party)

Looking at the list of Democratic women candidates (and I think with the focus on identity politics, it's gotta be a woman) - both Hillary and the Cherokee woman are a bit long in the tooth.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Holman / Ruddski 2016?

Hell, I think I'll start sporting that bumper sticker just for fun.


@holmantx The climate change racket is being used as a backdoor means to implement central planning and a controlled economy.  Liberals and crony capitalists love this stuff.  The same policies that have failed repeatedly are being touted as a means to save the planet. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This is why the debate is over and the science is settled, when, in the real world, debates are never "over" and science is never "settled".

Anyone making such claims is both anti-debate and anti-science, and most likely of totalitarian nature. What these terms mean, really, is shut up! And, as we've seen recently, the same people who make these outrageous and illogical proclamations would, if possible, have dissenters silenced - jailed or somehow eliminated.

If the UN had the power to declare climate-change denial a punishable crime, how many minutes do you think it would take for them to pass such a law? You can bet there would be little, if any debate.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This is why the dewwa


@CogitoErgoSum Prosperity means better air/water quality.  The poorer a country the more ecological damage. 


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz  Meanwhile racist Al Gore lives an inconvenient lie flying around a private jet and living in a giant mansion while browbeating us less fortunate common people. 

Must be lovely to be so enlightened and about reproach. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Conservatives, for good reason, treat "facts" from the left, and filter them accordingly because conservatives simply view veracity of the left highly questionable.

I think they have a damn good point, and the Obama phenomenon - to which even supporters on the left are awakening to - hasn't done your side much good.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz I wouldn't argue with Corner on that, i would just apply the judgement universally, both left and right.  both sides seem to ignore any part of the science, the ethics, or the solutions that don't dovetail nicely with their political views.


@RTGolden1 Paradoxically prosperity and development tends to cause population to drop.  The fastest growing countries tend to be the less developed.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I'm guessing you have a problem articulating your opinion of me in a way that makes sense.

Let me guess, and articulate for you:

I'm guessing you're uneducated because you dislike and mock Senator Reid for his comments and obsession with the Koch Brothers.

You're welcome!


@RTGolden1 @ozma207  Sorry, as much as even the corporate media likes to pretend, there are nut-jobs on the left, but there's not a true equivalence. However, I would agree that the terms "conservative" and "liberal" aren't very useful.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You and the now-rare bmarvel push this thing about no difference yada-yada. It must be frustrating to see every major publication, broadcaster, pundit and what-have-you (including this publication) continue to pretend to here's a difference.

I don't think there's any difference between dogs and cats, they both have the same agenda - food.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


JackJett is on a comment-deletion march for some reason. Or, the software is going haywire.



I am seeing a trend here.  When you can't argue the facts, you try to belittle the source.

That is intellectually weak.  Very weak.

Are you calling the Toronto Sun liars?  Implying that they put out false comments from the man who was quoted?  If not, what does it matter who quoted the man?  The man's comments stand on their own merit.

CogitoErgoSum topcommenter

@WhiteWhale @CogitoErgoSum  Are you saying that the more prosperous a country, the more government regulation of industry which, in turn, means better air/water quality? I can agree with that.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@TheRuddSki   Conservative facts:

Obama is a Muslim

Obama is a Kenyan

Obama is a Mau Mau terrorist

Obama is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood

Obama is gay

Obama is a Communist

Obama is a Socialist

Obama is a Nazi

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Please be assured that I am not aligned with the B-Marvel in any way.  I am far too plebian to move in his beknighted circles.

As to the meat of your comment, I call it as I see it.  I see no difference between Democrat and Republican in American politics.  The issues that inflame and divide our population are imbecilic.  The Golden Rule (no relation) could solve most of them.  You like women and wish to marry one, have at it.  Someone else likes men and wants to marry one, let them have at it.  This woman wants a baby, that one doesn't, let them make their own choice.  This guy wants to buy healthcare, That guy would prefer to take his chances; let them.

The President wants to take the country to war?  Ok, let's discuss this a bit and reach a consensus.  We want to outlaw the fuels that provide us with heat, light, refrigeration, transportation, construction ability, food production, food packaging (which reduces waste), etc etc.  Let's sit down and discuss it and come up with viable alternative fuels first.  This stuff isn't a left-right thing, this is a live-die thing.

Oh yea, and no, I don't get frustrated.  Just amused.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


Yes, curious.

And here I thought I'd get a whole bunch of play out of my bumpersticker idea.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter


To be fair, most large scale cooperative efforts of these sorts are facilitated by some amount governmental intervention if only to get all of the parties involved dealing from the same deck.

I say that with the full understanding that once a governmental program is instituted, its own inertia tends to keep it going even long after the actual need is met. That is a completely separate problem that neither 'libs' nor 'cons' have seemingly been able to get a handle on.


@CogitoErgoSum  Not to speak for somebody else, but countries (and companies) exhibit behavior similar to individuals.  Refer to Maslow.  More prosperous countries can worry about things other than survival, such as maintaining a clean environment.

Nice lib take on it, though.Only government can make the evil companies do the right thing...

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You and Jack Are repeating each other's canned talking points. However, Jack double-spaced.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I think you're still smarting from the smackdown you got from Jett.

It begins...

Hon, jack complains so much, I can't guess and don't care what you mean

But, the last exchange we had, he tried to lecture me on politically-correct speech, and I had to set the lad straight, with a supporting link from his on Central Committee organization, GLAAD, which showed me right, and him wrong.

Oddly, there was no response from Jack. Uncharacteristic silence. Could that be the "smackdown" you're referencing?


@JackJett @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz  Why are people surprised when man made lakes in a desert that is naturally devoid of lakes end up going dry? Yeah must be all the greenhouse gas coming out of windbag's like yourself. 

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@DOisDUMDUM  Actually, we're totally obsessed by Benghazi.... and Monica Lewinski.... and Fast and Furious.... and Solyndra.... and Whitewater.... and Jeremiah Wright.... and Bill Ayers.... and Kenya.... and Benghazi.


@JackJett @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz  It's people like you who seem to be obsessed with Obama's race and constantly reminding us how black he is(while completely disregarding that his mother was a total snow flake)

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@JackJett  Hee hee!  I bet ruddski is running for the hills right about now... with petticoats flying in the breeze.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I love your diversionary, canned non-responses. Once again, you are an example of why men dominate debate teams, business, and politics.

Oh, and it's Bush who is the Nazi, I thought - though Obama's hostility to Israel makes him somewhat more open to the charge.

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