In the works

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John D. Harden/DRC
Repairs to the children’s area in the Sanger Public Library are almost complete. Officials ordered new carpet and work crews began painting the walls this week.
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Repairs to Sanger library progressing after flooding

SANGER — It’s unusually quiet in the Sanger Public Library — even for a library.

The library has been closed for about a month after freezing temperatures caused a fire sprinkler line in the attic to expand and break, flooding the library.

The water damage proved to be very costly — especially to the children’s area, where more than 800 children’s books were damaged in the flood, officials say.

Damage estimates so far have reached $52,500, not including the children’s books, said City Manager Mike Brice.

“We have received $44,061.49 from our insurance carrier,” Brice said. “We have also received quite a bit of labor assistance from volunteers, and we would like to thank them for all their hard work.”

The water caused ceiling tiles and insulation to collapse, damaging carpeting and books below. The library will be closed until all repairs are completed, which officials hope will be sometime next month.

Ceiling and wall repairs have been completed, and workers began painting last week. New carpeting has been ordered, but it will be another two weeks before it’s installed, officials said.

In the meantime, library officials are operating from the tiny library annex building at 511 N. 5th St., across the street from the main building.

The annex operates with a limited book selection and limited hours from 2 to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Any outstanding books can still be returned in the book drop.

Checked-out items may be renewed online or by phone at 940-458-3257 or by email at

JOHN D. HARDEN can be reached at 940-566-6882 and via Twitter at @Jdharden.

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