Most viewed:

  1. 1. Shootings leave suspect and soldier dead as police sweep Ottawa – live updates

    22 Oct 2014: Canadian police say a gunman opened fire at Ottawa’s National War Memorial and is still at large. Follow live updates
  2. 2. Nothing is wrong with Renee Zellweger's face. There's something wrong with us | Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy

    22 Oct 2014: Jennifer Gerson Uffalussy: Pity the woman so brazen as to pull back the curtain on our hypocrisy by letting herself be seen in public past a certain age
  3. 3. Renée Zellweger's face is her brand – a new look will change her career beyond recognition

    22 Oct 2014: Steve Rose: Regardless of the cause of the actor’s different appearance, it’s a move which will alter forever the roles she’s offered and the way she’s received – though not necessarily for the worse. After all, Mickey Rourke is still ready for his close-up …
  4. 4. Renée Zellweger's new look due to 'happy, healthy lifestyle', not surgery

    22 Oct 2014: The Oscar-winning actor has responded to online speculation that she’s had cosmetic surgery by ascribing her changed looks to an increased feeling of peace
  5. 5. US jury convicts Blackwater security guards in deaths of Iraqi civilians

    22 Oct 2014: Security guards for private US contractor guilty of manslaughter for notorious 2007 incident that left 17 dead in Baghdad
  6. 6. Goodfellas actor files $250m lawsuit against The Simpsons for using his likeness

    22 Oct 2014: News: Frank Sivero, who played mobster Frankie Carbone in Goodfellas, claims that Simpsons writers living next to him in 1989 imitated his character for animated hoodlum Louie
  7. 7. Tory MP accuses Jon Snow of being a lefty who should think of retiring

    22 Oct 2014: Philip Davies asked to leave Channel 4 News offices by Krishnan Guru-Murthy after heated exchange with veteran presenter. By John Plunkett
  8. 8. Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons intended for Kurds

    22 Oct 2014: Pentagon investigating claims but admits one load missing and it would be embarrassing if it ended up in terror group’s hands
  9. 9. ‘Make young unemployed pull up ragwort for benefits,’ says Lord Tebbit

    22 Oct 2014: Controversial remarks by former Tory minister also annoy environmentalists who bemoan decline in plant loved by bees
  10. 10. Ukip calypso song should be withdrawn, says repentant Mike Read

    22 Oct 2014: Ex-Radio 1 DJ has apologised for ‘unintentionally causing offence’ with ditty he sang in Caribbean accent. By John Plunkett
  11. 11. 2014 Wildlife photographer of the Year

    22 Oct 2014: The results of the wildlife photographer of the year 2014 competition have been announced at London’s Natural History Museum.
  12. 12. Facebook pays no UK corporation tax for a second year

    22 Oct 2014: Social media company reports a pre-tax loss of £11.6m for 2013, despite its US parent making a net profit of £900m. By Mark Sweney
  13. 13. 73-year-old teacher dismissed after softcore porn past comes to light

    22 Oct 2014: Jacqueline Laurent-Auger, from Quebec, was fired from Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf after pupils found her roles in the likes of Hot and Naked online
  14. 14. Five reasons Manchester City have not prospered in the Champions League

    22 Oct 2014: Jamie Jackson: Is it the struggling Touré or the wrong mindset that is hampering the English champions on the European stage?
  15. 15. Holy smokes! Possible $5m fine for Batman extra who leaked female Robin

    20 Oct 2014: Jena Malone said to be playing Carrie Kelley in Superman v Batman, Zack Snyder’s followup to Man of Steel – information that could cost extra who broke non-disclosure agreement dear
  16. 16. My brother wanted to be a jihadi – and society is creating many more like him | Robb Leech

    22 Oct 2014: Robb Leech: Extremism of any kind is a symptom of an unhealthy society and, in order to eradicate it, we should look to treat its cause
  17. 17. Liverpool to take no action over Raheem Sterling’s nightclub visit

    22 Oct 2014: Liverpool are unconcerned by a report that Raheem Sterling visited a London nightclub until the early hours on the night after his return from Estonia, where he had featured as a substitute for England
  18. 18. Canadian parliament put on lockdown after series of shootings

    22 Oct 2014: Police searching for as many as three suspects in incident that began with wounding of soldier guarding Ottawa war memorial
  19. 19. BBC apologises over Michael Buerk’s comments on Ched Evans case

    22 Oct 2014: In Radio 4 trailer, Buerk said neither party emerged with any credit because woman was so drunk ‘she could barely stand’
  20. 20. Ukip's polarising effect: support for staying in the EU hits 23-year high

    22 Oct 2014: A new poll by Ipsos MORI finds that 56% of Britons would vote to stay in the EU - the highest level of support since 1991

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