2014 NBA Player Rankings 21-25

Originally Published: October 21, 2014

For the fourth straight year, ESPN.com and the TrueHoop Network are ranking every NBA player and counting them down on Twitter (@ESPNNBA) from No. 500 to No. 1.

We asked our ESPN Forecast panel to predict the overall level of play for each player for the upcoming NBA season. This includes both the quality and the quantity of his expected contributions, combined in one overall rating.

As the rankings are announced, you also can find them here on the pages of ESPN.com.

The players on our list keep getting better and better. We're counting down five more players Tuesday, revealing them one at a time on Twitter. We'll continue the countdown until Oct. 28, opening night in the NBA. Today we roll out players 21 through 25.

What is #NBArank?

#NBArank is the Twitter hashtag to use if you want to get involved in the discussion or just follow along.

You also can follow along @ESPNNBA.

How did we rank the players?

We asked our ESPN Forecast panel to rate each player on a 0-to-10 scale, in terms of "the overall level of play for each player for the upcoming NBA season."


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