Items Tagged with 'economic'


Hundreds Join Sempra Energy for Cameron LNG Groundbreaking

Sempra Energy officially broke ground on the company’s Cameron liquefied natural gas (LNG) project on Thursday, just weeks after receiving final authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that cleared the way for it to export up to 1.7 Bcf/d of domestically produced LNG to non-free trade agreement (FTA) countries (see Daily GPI, Sept. 10). Read More

Eagle Ford Is Multi-Billion-Dollar South Texas Growth Engine

Eagle Ford Shale oil and natural gas production generated more than $87 billion in economic output for Texas last year, and that contribution to the state's economy is projected by researchers to grow to $137 billion by 2023. Read More

Permian Spreading Big Money, Low Unemployment Across Region

The empty, windswept plains of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico, where tumbleweeds the size of SUVs roll down the highways and blinding dust storms stretch for miles, belie the growing prosperity of rural, mile-wide communities, with some fast food workers making $20/hour and motel rooms going for $400 a night. Read More

Industry Panel Debates Best Way to Get Marcellus/Utica Gas to Northeastern Markets

As natural gas production from the Marcellus and Utica shales in the Northeast continues to soar, the industry faces a delicate balancing act... Read More

Santa: Economic Incentive 'Heart of the Problem' in New England

Interstate Natural Gas Association of America will "withhold judgment" on proposals from New England's independent system operator, according to Don Santa. Read More

LNG Export, Petrochem Permits Key to 'Capturing the Benefits of Shale'

ExxonMobil executive tells Shale Insight 2013 conference attendees that delays could add billions to project costs, restrain job creation and erode America's new competitive advantage. Read More

Lack of LNG, Petrochem Permits Stifle Growth, Says ExxonMobil Exec

The only thing holding back the country's tremendous opportunity in shale gas is permitting -- for petrochemical facilities, liquefied natural gas (LNG) export projects and drilling in some states -- according to ExxonMobil Chemical's President Stephen D. Pryor. Read More

Consol Prepares to Land Marcellus Rigs at Pittsburgh International

 Consol Energy Inc. and Pennsylvania's Allegheny County Airport Authority (ACAA) have unveiled a drilling proposal for Pittsburgh International Airport property that would allow 47 wells to be drilled into airport property overlying the Marcellus Shale, with the potential to explore Upper Devonian targets. Read More

No Report Yet, But Cuomo Says Fracking Could Help Some NY Regions

 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he believes high-volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF) could mesh with the state's economic development plans, but he said there was no news regarding a health impact analysis of the practice. Read More

Obama Praised for Advancing Natural Gas

 "We're certainly liking what we're hearing" from administration officials, says Marty Durbin, who helms America's Natural Gas Alliance. Read More