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New York Natural Gas & Oil Production

Online Production Data Options

New York requires the operator of an oil or gas well to file an Annual Well Report before March 31st each year to report on well status and production values of the previous calendar year. Well status and production values remain confidential for the first six months after a reporting period. The Division attempts to post that data on our site shortly after July 1 of each year. The Division of Mineral Resources has been providing digital production data since 1986. We continue to offer this data in several formats. These formats include our searchable online database with production histories from 1985 forward, zipped annual production files in .dbf format also from 1985 forward and historic summary production data from 1967 through 1999. The scanned PDF copies of these reports can also be found through the Empire State Oil and Gas Information System (ESOGIS). See the link on the right side of this page "Links Leaving DEC's Website." Please contact us with any questions related to the available datasets.

2013 well status and production values are posted to the searchable database and are available as downloadable zip files as of July 1, 2014

Searchable Online Database

The searchable oil and gas online database offers users the ability to tailor information searches. In 2008, the production search capabilities were expanded to include production data from 1985 forward for gas wells and higher volume oil wells. After 2000 all oil and gas production wells are reported through the Annual Well Report. Extensive help on this application is available for your use by clicking the General Search Tips/Help link on the Home Page of the searchable database .

Yearly Oil and Gas Production Files (zipped format)

Click on a year to download the available production data file(s) for that year. The file format is given below

1985 zip file - 41 kB
1986 zip file - 129 kB
1987 zip file - 152 kB
1988 zip file - 134 kB
1989 zip file - 163 kB
1990 zip file - 165 kB
1991 zip file - 171 kB
1992 zip file - 172 kB
1993 zip file - 173 kB
1994 zip file - 174kB
1995 zip file - 376 kB Revised 10/30/07
1996 zip file - 169 kB
1997 zip file - 168 kB
1998 zip file - 167 kB
1999 zip file - 171 kB
2000 zip file - 177 kB
2001 zip file - 183 kB
2002 zip file - 285 kB Revised 07/01/2013
2003 zip file - 294 kB Revised 07/01/2013
2004 zip file - 290 kB Revised 07/01/2013
2005 zip file - 294 kB Revised 07/01/2013
2006 zip file - 423 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2007 zip file - 457 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2008 zip file - 457 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2009 zip file - 455 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2010 zip file - 462 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2011 zip file - 466 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2012 zip file - 455 kB Revised 06/23/2014
2013 zip file - 409 kB Posted 07/01/2014

Files from 1985 to 2005 are in .dbf format, files from 2006 and forward are in .csv format with the following fields:

Production File Metadata
Field Name Explanation
API_WELLNO 14-Digit API well number
CNTY Name of the county where the well is located
CONAME Name of the company operating the well
HOLE 5-Digit number identifying the wellbore
SIDETRCK 2-Digit sidetrack identifying code
COMPLETION 2-Digit completion identifying code
WELL_TYP Type of well
FIELD Name of the oil or gas field that the well produces from
WL_STATUS Status of the well during the production year
WELL_NM Name of the well
TOWN Town where the is located
PROD_FORM Formation from which the well produces oil or gas
PRODUCTION Months that the well was in production for reporting year
GAS Gas (Mcf) produced from the well during the production year
WATER Water (bbl) produced from the well during the production year
OILPROD Oil (bbl) produced from the well during the production year
YEAR Production year being reported

This data was entered by Department staff or received in an electronic format via the Annual Well Report. From 1985 to 1999 all gas wells are reported and only higher volume oil wells (typically Bass Island production). Data rows are sorted by County and then by Company Name. From 2000 forward, all oil and gas wells reported by a company are included in the file. Each row in the dataset is an individual well; wells are sorted by Operator, then county, town field, and formation.

Summary Production Data

The Division first collected oil and gas production data in 1967. This data is grouped by Company Name, County, Town, Field, Formation, Lease and Production Volumes. These data were summarized for various reports. The Division digitized this summary data and offers it in a zipped .dbf file format. The summary production history file (Revised 9/10/2009 zip file 726 KB) contains production records between 1967 and 1999. In 2000 the summary system was abandoned in favor of having all operators report annual oil and gas production values for each well individually.

The summary production data file is in .dbf format with the following fields:

Summary Production Metadata
Field Name Explanation
PYEAR Production year
PDATE Date that production data was entered
PORGNO Operator number
PCTY County code
PTOWN Town name
PFLD Field name
PFORM Producing formation name
OILA Number of oil wells active
OILI Number of oil wells inactive
GASA Number of gas wells active
GASI Number gas wells inactive
INJECT Number of injection wells
DISPOSAL Number of disposal wells
SELF Designation if wells are for self use
OIL Oil volume produced (bbl)
GAS Gas volume produced (Mcf)
WATER Water volume produced (bbl)
PBRCODES Buyer code
PCOMM Comments
TGAS Taxable gas
PBUYG Gas buyer code
PBUYO Oil buyer code
PBUYGORG Gas buyer organization number
PBUYOORG Oil buyer organization number
PMODIFY Login of last modifier
PREVDATE Revision date

This summary data was entered for the Division's use and has not been verified for quality control purpose.