Review and listings policy; what the star ratings mean; price key

Reviewers' restaurant visits are unannounced, and all expenses are paid by the Dallas Morning News. Reviews are not related to advertising. Critics visit restaurants at least twice for reviews.

Incorrect information can be reported by emailed to

To be considered for a review, send the restaurant name, address, phone number, website and a copy of the menu to Indicate whether the restaurant is new or has changed ownership, chefs or menus.


5 STARS -- Extraordinary: Defines fine dining in the region

4 STARS -- Excellent: One of the finest restaurants in Dallas-Fort Worth

3 STARS -- Very good: A destination restaurant for this type of dining

2 STARS -- Good: Commendable effort, but experience can be uneven

1 STAR -- Fair: Experience is generally disappointing

NO STARS -- Poor


Average dinner per person:

$          $14 and under

$$        $15 to $30

$$$      $31 to $50

$$$$    More than $50

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