Dallas Will Allow a New Katy Trail Mid-Rise, Highland Park's Objections Be Damned

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The building that's on the site now.
Over the objections of their Park Cities neighbors, the Dallas City Council voted this afternoon to approve a zoning change that will allow for the construction of a new luxury mid-rise apartment building on Cole Avenue site currently occupied by the Saltillo Apartments.

See also: Highland Park, Fighting Luxury Apartment on Katy Trail, Insists It's Not Against Density, Just Tall Buildings

A group of Highland Park residents, their mayor and their attorneys showed up at the meeting to again voice their disapproval for the change, which they complained would cause traffic and parking issues in addition to sullying some Highland Park residents' view of the Katy Trail.

Proponents of the new development lauded its increased density and the concessions made in its planning to maintain the feel of the Katy Trail. The building will feature increased setbacks from the trail and a wedding-cake design the brings the proposed building, except for its north corner, inline with the 3 to 1 proximity slope standard required elsewhere in the city.

In making his motion to approve the development, Philip Kingston tried to strike a conciliatory tone.

"Why would I meet with Highland Park?" he asked, talking about meetings he held with Highland Park officials to try to reach a compromise about the development. "Because they're our neighbors."

While an agreement wasn't reached between the cities, Kingston said that he hopes Highland Park knows that it will be heard in any future interactions with Dallas.

Mayor Mike Rawlings, while acknowledging that they wouldn't be happy with the decision, let the opposition know that he feels we're all in this together.

"There are some great things that come with the growth of Dallas," he said. "Sometimes there's a cost to that."

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HP needs to remember that they paid NOTHING for that trail. They fought it for 14 years, worried about "unwanted elements", and then, the day the ribbons were cut, they got a multi-million dollar trail. Oh yeah - they were also the ones in favor of removing the 'rail' over 75 when it was rebuilt. Otherwise, the trail might have gone further. 

Montemalone topcommenter

Dallas should build a ring of tall buildings around HP, and a moat.


@whareagle  Did you know they also opposed/wouldn't pay for the Knox/Henderson stop, which was built/dug out, but does not have an exit to the surface!


@whareagle  They fought the DART rail line on that rail line, just as the Turtle Creek People fought it too. They got Dart to align with Central, and then Dart decided to tunnel to get the rail in before Central was Completed. Of course now the Katy Trail is so crowded no one goes there anymore.  (Thanks to Yogi Berra for that one)


@Montemalone  I was kind of hoping they would put a Sam's at Cole street and put the apartments at the old ACS campus

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@Montemalone A dry moat though, we're in the midst of a drought.  Or bill HP for the water in the moat.


@Montemalone Likewise, Mayor Rawlings should tell University Park Mayor Lane to "tear down this wall" [that separates UP from Dallas along NW Highway]. Also, Rawlings in his native Bostonian accent should proclaim, "Ich bin ein Parkie."


@Benjam @whareagle Interesting. I was on the board of FoKT for a few years, and it was mostly people who had people who did fundraising for them. The place is being loved to death, and HP doesn't have to pay for security, maintenance, or parking. For more information, interview the owners at the shop next to the Apple store. They know the history from wayyyy back. 


@RobertStinson i'm surprised that no one has tried to tag that awful looking wall. maybe it should be decorated like the one on Forest


I always predicted that they would have problems & thought I would rather have hooligans whizzing by at high speed than be in my back yard 24-7! Hope they eventually get the station we paid for open to the public.

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