The Freedom Factor

The Freedom Factor

October 10 — November 08


Nathaniel Gorham, one of the signers of the United States Constitution, took a deep breath and said, “Suppose after we met at Philadelphia and drafted the Constitution in 1787, that the Constitution was never ratified.” 

Bryce said, “But it was ratified!” 

Gorham shook his head. “Not here it wasn’t.” 

Bryce whispered, “It can’t be!” 

“Well, it is. You are now living in an America without the Constitution,” Gorham said. 

When Bryce Sherwood, rising aide to an influential senator in modern Washington, D.C., is appointed to help pass a bill that will do away with certain constitutional checks and balances, America’s Founding Fathers decide the time has come to take action. At first they try to persuade him through Nathaniel Gorham and through sharp but friendly debates with the captivating Leslie Adams. But when Bryce refuses to change his position, the Founding Fathers have only one option left—they transport Bryce into a world where the Constitution was never ratified.

In this strange world of oppression and fear, Bryce begins to learn the true value of the Constitution and the price of freedom. Will he be able to return to the real world to correct the mistakes he has made?


Adapted by

Jen Geigle Johnson


Adaptation from the epic novel “The Freedom Factor” written by Gerald N. Lund


Directed by

DeeAnn Blair

Meet the Cast

Click Picture or Name to view Bio
Alex Swanson

Alex Swanson

Guard 2
Amy Sorter

Amy Wolff Sorter

Jesse Lambert
Bill Brooks

Bill Brooks

Paul Adams
Bob Willey

Bob Willey

Nathaniel Gorham
Brandon Shreve

Brandon Shreve

Neal Lambert
Brandon Wimmer

Brandon Wimmer

Elliot Mannington
Ciara Cimino

Ciara Cimino

Pretty Girl
Dan Johnston

Dan Johnston

Daniel Orges

Daniel Orges

Dave Sorter

Dave Sorter

Stage Manager/Mr. Kelly
David Cook

David Cook

Bryce Sherwood
Dawson Graham

Dawson Graham

Neal Lambert
Debbie Hillaker

Debbie Hillaker

Vera Adams/LWV Speaker

DeeAnn Blair

Director/Executive Producer
Ellen Borish

Ellen Borish

Greg Fitzgerald

Greg Fitzgerald

Sen. Hawkes, Prime Minister
Jennifer Johnson

Jennifer Johnson

Joe Sturgeon

Joe Sturgeon

Artistic Director
John Lattimore

John Lattimore

Col. Sterling Burkhart
Jonathan Russell

Jonathan Russell

Nathaniel Gorham
Judi Conger

Judi Conger

Jesse Lambert
Julina Durling

Julina Durling

Kathy Kelly/Woman on Bus
Max Mandudi

Max Mandudi

Guard 1
Megan Jakubik

Megan Jakubik

Capt. Anita Rodale
Nathan Griffin

Nathan Griffin

Guard 2
Neal Gregory

Neal Gregory

Paul Adams
Paul Borish

Paul Borish

Col. Sterling Burkhart
Raven Garcia

Raven Garcia

Leslie Adams
Rian Slay

Rian Slay

Leslie Adams
Robert Hamilton

Robert Hamilton

Bryce Sherwood
Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Pretty Girl
Scott Collins

Scott Collins

Susan Spangler

Susan Spangler

Vera Adams/LWV Speaker
Suzanne Lee

Suzanne Lee

Kathy Kelly/Woman on Bus
Tim Raif

Timothy Raif

Elliot Mannington
Tori Beth Pilcher

Tori Beth Pilcher

Capt. Anita Rodale
Travis Miller

Travis Miller

Sen. Hawkes, Prime Minister