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Regulatory Development and Retrospective Review Tracker

Hydraulic Fracturing Chemicals and Mixtures

a.k.a. Hydraulic Fracturing; TSCA Section 8(a) and 8(d) Reporting

RIN: 2070-AJ93 (What's this?)

Docket No.: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2011-1019 (What's this?)

Current Phase: Pre-Proposal (What's this?)

In response to a petition filed under section 21 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), EPA plans to initiate rulemaking proceeding under TSCA sections 8(a) and 8(d) to obtain data on chemical substances and mixtures used in hydraulic fracturing.

Although EPA has granted the petitioners' request to initiate a rulemaking proceeding under TSCA sections 8(a) and 8(d), the Agency is not committing to a specific rulemaking outcome. EPA intends to first develop an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) and initiate a stakeholder process to provide input on the design and scope of the TSCA reporting requirements that would be included in a proposed rule. EPA anticipates that States, tribes, industry, public interest groups, and members of the public will be participants in the process. The stakeholder process will bring stakeholders together to discuss the information needs and help EPA to ensure any reporting burdens and costs are minimized, ensuring information already available is considered in order to avoid duplication of efforts. The dialogue will also assist EPA in determining how information that is claimed Confidential Business Information could be aggregated and disclosed to maximize transparency and public understanding.

ANPRM: Sent to OMB for Regulatory Review03/11/2014
ANPRM: Received by OMB03/13/2014
ANPRM: Regulatory Review Concluded05/08/2014
ANPRM: Comment Period Open05/19/2014
ANPRM: Published in FR05/19/2014
ANPRM: Comment Period Extension Published in FR07/14/2014
ANPRM: Comment Period Closed08/18/2014
ANPRM: Comment Period Closed with Extension09/18/2014

Potential Effects

Environmental Justice
This rulemaking involves a topic that is likely to be of particular interest to or have particular impact upon minority, low-income, tribal, and/or other vulnerable populations because:

  • The topic is likely to have the following impact: The agency is particularly concerned about the potential for disproportionate impacts from hydraulic fracturing in environmental justice communities, and would like to have a better understanding of the chemicals and mixtures that are used during that process, and subsequently disposed of, in and around these communities.

Participate / Learn More Regulatory Review

Some of EPA's rulemakings undergo regulatory review (What's this?), as prescribed by Executive Order 12866 and coordinated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The following list describes which of this rulemaking's stages have completed review and published in the Federal Register, if any, and provides links to the review documents where available. Consult the "Timeline" section of this Web page for the dates of each review.

Citations & Authorities

Federal Register Citations

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Citation
40 CFR Subchapter R

Legal Authority
15 USC 2601 et seq


This site provides summaries of priority rulemakings and priority retrospective reviews of existing regulations. We update most of the site at the beginning of each month, though some data is updated more frequently if it is time sensitive. The information on this site is not intended to and does not commit EPA to specific conclusions or actions. For example, after further analysis, EPA may decide the effects of a rule would be different or it may decide to terminate a rulemaking.

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