At Sawko & Burroughs, P.C. we have represented owners, contractors and sub-contractors in dispute arising out of a construction project. In addition to assisting the resolution or litigation of disputes, we perform services in the following areas relating to construction law and liens. Mr. Mark Burroughs is the lead attorney in this area.

  • Mechanic’s and Materialman’s Liens
  • Construction Defects in Commercial and Residential Projects
  • Residential Construction Issues
  • Residential Construction Liability Act
  • Commercial Construction Projects
  • Complex Developments
  • Construction Contract Interpretation
  • Contractor’s Rights
  • Subcontractor’s Rights
  • Rights of Artisans, Laborers, Architects & Engineers
  • Owner’s Rights
  • Lender’s Rights in Construction Projects & Collateral
  • Permits & Zoning
  • Lien Issues
  • Texas Construction Trust Funds Act
  • Misapplication of Construction Funds/Money
  • Fraud in a Construction Project