Eiffel Tower on Bastille Day 2013.

The Inner You #PersonalPost

Eiffel Tower on Bastille Day 2013.

Eiffel Tower on Bastille Day 2013.


When young kids are looking to discover their true selves, what do most of them do?  A majority of kids take off on a trip somewhere a good long way away from home.  For me it was taking off to Europe for a month and a half.  Along my journey I met a ton of new people, many new friends, and even a few people who helped influence my life for the better. 

Along my journey I visited Rome, Paris, Monte Carlo, Barcelona, and London and in every city I visited there were different people with different life stories helping me realize what I possibly want to do with my life or what I want to do in the future.  One major thing I gained from this trip was a sense of independence, being 7,000 miles away from home, mom and dad are no longer there to make decisions for you.  Granted, my parents at this point are not making too many decisions for me, I still did not realize how many they were making or helping me make.


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Confessions of a Shopaholic


Do you enjoy stores, clothing, shoes, wallets, sunglasses, swiping your credit card? If you answered YES to any of these questions, or just yes, then you are possibly a shopaholic! Being a shopaholic is not a bad thing.  A true identifier of a true shopaholic is when you’re on a first name basis with a store clerk or your FedEx delivery man!

There is no bigger rush then getting to the register at a store and swiping your credit card.  And in that moment you are waiting for the screen to say, “Approved” you start to get heart palpitations and you get a rush of adrenaline.  By the time she is handing your stuff to you, you are so high on adrenaline, the $15,000 total does not even phase you until you’ve gotten home and seen the receipts.

The pros to being a shopaholic are, you get insane in-store discounts, invited to sample sales, you always look nice, and your credit card rewards program account is always full! The con is well your bank account is never as full as your rewards account.

Being a confessed shopaholic of many years now, I have got a closet that is bursting at the seams and a pile of shoes that would rival a Beverly Hills housewives collection in terms of size.  While getting discounts at numerous high-end retail locations and even getting invited to many sample sales for high-end retailers, it takes a lot of energy.

I am not one of those shoppers that can make an entire day out of shopping, I like to get as much accomplished as fast as possible.  That way you do not have a lull in the adrenaline rushes, and you are not lugging around bags all day long, or in some cases while you wait for your driver to pull around so you can load some bags and then go back and resume shopping.

A last few ways one might be considered a shopaholic is if you are out shopping more than once or twice a week, you can spend well over $10,000 in less than 30 minutes, or if you have a TV show based upon you shopping abilites.  At any of those last few points you may want to stop and re-evaluate.

The New Normal #personalpost

Many people are often found using the term “Be Normal.”  But what is normal exactly?  Normal is an idea we all have in ourt heads of a way someone should act or a way something should be.  There is no defined term for it, it is an abstract idea.

To me normal is a clean-cut fun person who likes mostly the same stuff i do.  They are not huge into video games, they do not spend their days tied up in books.  They enjoy being outside and they enjoy the company of others.

To someone else normalcy may be purple hair and skinny jeans, or normal can be a super “jocky” body type.  Normal is not a pheasable item, it is an abstract idea we all try to make real.  the problem with this is that we are all trying to find a medium of things we like and we do not like in a person.  When we all could just accept one another for who they are and if we like them we are friends if we do not like them then no harm no foul.

#FF – Follow Friday

Here are a few twitter accounts of people I enjoy reading their tweets and blogs.

@dorothywang : She is a cast member of E! Network’s newest television series called #richkids of Beverly Hills.  It is an entertaining series that showcases 5 privileged kids from the 90210.  Dorothy Wang is one of the main cast members along with Morgan Stewart.  They both are very humorous and keep the show exciting and fun.

@Morgan_Stewart : Morgan Stewart is also a member of  E! Network’s newest television series called #richkids of Beverly Hills.  She also writes a blog called www.boobsandloubs.com Her blog is beyond funny.  She jokes about writing a book on the television series.

@kyliefears : A fellow classmate, Kylie keeps life fun and interesting.

@mayoclinic : Being interested in entering the medical field in the near future, i find their tweets and articles interesting and very informative not just specifically for people whom are interested in going into the medical field, but also people who are ailing with diseases.

@kimkardashian : Kim is probably my favorite celebrity.  While a little out of touch with reality, she has a lot of fun and enjoys life.  Being showcased on one of the most popular tv shows on the planet, she and her family live just like most of us, only they have a lot more excess cash lying around.


Hope you enjoyed this weeks #FF.  Don’t forget to like this and share this post.  And if you have any questions feel free to check out the about page and ask them!

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