Dallas–Fort Worth Injury Attorneys

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Driven by Integrity, Experience and Compassion

Attorney Windle Turley started the Turley Law Firm in 1973 to create a law firm with a mission — to be a source of compassionate and dedicated legal help to those who have suffered a serious personal injury or the loss of a loved one due to another's negligence or wrongful acts.

Today, all of our attorneys and every member of our support staff are committed to that mission. We stand up against negligent individuals, manufacturers, hospitals, corporations, governmental entities and institutions who cause harm. We take the complex cases other lawyers turn down.

Four Decades of Accomplishment

Among the many precedents and victories we have achieved, some of our proudest moments include:

  • Advocating for the rights of Texas children of unwed mothers to the United States Supreme Court
  • Arguing successfully that crashworthiness should be a factor in the design of passenger aircraft
  • Pursuing product liability claims to discourage manufacturers of dangerous weapons from facilitating their improper use by holding individuals and companies financially responsible for injuries caused by guns
  • Exposing institutional abuse of children with a record-setting judgment on behalf of 11 abused boys in Dallas
  • Helping people who are hurt in a car accident, truck crash or other accidents get the help they need to pay for medical care, lost wages and other damages

Serving Clients Throughout the Southwest and Nationwide

Anytime someone is hurt bad enough and needs help bad enough, we will be there. We have handled serious accident and injury cases involving parties from all over the United States and more than 25 foreign countries. Members of our team are fluent in Spanish, French, Portuguese and Vietnamese. We also have immediate access to Russian and Chinese interpreters.

We Invite You to Contact Us Today for the Help You Need

You may call our offices toll free at 888-339-8102 or send us an e-mail to schedule a free consultation with one of our dedicated, compassionate and experienced attorneys. We handle all personal injury and wrongful death cases on a contingency fee basis. That means that you will pay no legal fees up front. We only receive payment for our services if we help you obtain financial compensation for your losses.