David Cooper, Guy Who Tried to Take Arlington Home Through Adverse Possession, Gets 90 Days in Jail

Categories: Crime, Real Estate

David Cooper, at the Arlington home he was convicted of squatting in.
If you direct your browser to 16dollarhouse.com and plunk down $9.97 for an e-book, you can still learn from Ken Robinson ( "poised, measured, insightful and wise" and an AMERICAN, all caps, as the site informs you) how to use adverse possession, a once obscure Texas law, to get a house on the cheap.

See also:
- The Man With the $16 House

Be forewarned that Robinson's legal theories haven't worked out so well in practice. Earlier this year, he was evicted from his $350,000 Flower Mound McMansion after a judge decided that his claim to the house was bullshit. His disciples have fared little better.

Following news of Robinson's scheme, officials in Tarrant County made the rounds evicting squatters who moved into homes after filing adverse possession claims. Eight of them were charged with theft or burglary.

David Cooper was the first to go to trial, which wrapped up today. First, though, we'll revisit his legal justification for taking the house, as told to WFAA.

"After I looked up the Texas law and found out it was legal, then I found out there are ways I can do it," Cooper said, going on to school the Tarrant County district attorney in the finer points of adverse possession. "You got to go with the law ... Texas law. This house was abandoned."

But Texas law also says you can't steal people's stuff and, in Cooper's case, the house actually wasn't abandoned. It belonged to a couple who were spending a lot of time in Houston, where the wife was undergoing cancer treatment. When it became clear that the home wasn't abandoned, Cooper was arrested and charged with burglary and theft.

He was convicted yesterday and faced a possible life sentence. Instead, he got 90 days in jail, 10 years probation and a $10,000 fine.. He doesn't get to keep the house, but he will have to live in Tarrant County.

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this guy should have got more time than that for what he did, he also should have to pay restitution for any and every item of the owners that was taken, destroyed or lost. They need to make examples of these freaks with zero tolerance. What a scum bag, that's like terrorizing someone away from their car or possessions then claiming their property as abandoned


Get a f+cking job you lazy twit; and then buy your own house. 


Notice these folks are claiming McMansions in the burbs, and not the really abandoned houses in Dallas located mainly in southern Dallas where nobody would care and would see the squatter  as an improvement over the homeless and crack heads who use them.


@ScottsMerkin - You really shouldn't drive fast in reverse gear.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

 @Tom434 bc they trying to get something for nothing, in south dallas, theyd get nothing for nothing

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

 @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul traffic came to a stop at EB 30 and 161.  We were all stopped but I saw the truck behind me barreling down the left lane.  He never hit the brakes.  He told the cop it was his fault, he looked down for a few seconds and when he looked up he didnt have time to hit the brakes.  He told the cop was going at least 60 mph.  He shoved me into the truck in front of me who luckily said he saw it and let off his brakes so I wouldnt get totally sandwiched.  besides the trunk being in the back seat,  the gas tank crumpled, the front end is damaged, the radiator punctured, the drivers seat is broken and the transmission (Auto) wont go into of out of gear.  HE got a ticket for failure to maintain a safe speed/distance.  Needless to say, my back and neck are sore and the doc diagnosed it as a sprain neck n back  

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

 @DirtyP1 nah, one crazy country bumpkin though.  All he kept doing was apologizing in his country twang


 @Bobtex  @censormeallyouwant

 Wait a second. The numbers say that 93% of African Americans that voted, voted for Obama. It would be much harder to determine who a white person voted for. We're having fun, no?


@Bobtex @censormeallyouwant - His observation is statistically sound and a source of pride for many, where's the bigotry, where's the ignorance?


At least the kiddo was not in the car with you.





Sorry to hear this dude!  I almost got sideswiped by a guy that ran a stop sign, and a guy that backed up in the Walmart parking lot (didn't even look) going like 30.  One of "them" sir. 


Hear about Seabass? Drunken Mexicans strike again, one dead, one injured

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

 @albert.finney000  Really? I thought that all of you conservatives thought that the votes from  "those people" were the only way that Obama could possibly have been re-elected.


@DirtyP1 @Bobtex @censormeallyouwant - My guess is that the guy doesn't vote

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