Ed Davey, secretary of state for energy and climate change – live chat

This is your chance to ask the energy secretary anything. Join Ed Davey MP live online from 10.30-11.30am BST on Wednesday 22 October

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Ed Davey MP
Ed Davey joins us to discuss everything from energy security to fuel poverty. Photograph: Richard Saker for The Observer/Richard Saker

First elected Liberal Democrat MP for Kingston and Surbiton in 1997, Ed Davey spent 13 years as a party spokesperson on issues as varied as housing, education and foreign affairs. After his party formed a coalition government with the Conservatives in 2010 he was promoted, first working as an under-secretary in the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills before being appointed secretary of state for energy and climate change in 2012.

Addressing the Liberal Democrat party conference earlier this month, Davey took pride in his record in government. “We’re delivering dramatic change in energy because we are outsiders, on the side of people, not vested interests,” he said. “Above all, we are proving people can have greener energy and cheaper energy – even as vested interests are desperate to persuade people you can’t.”

He said his party in government had doubled investment in renewable energy, making Britain a world leader in offshore wind and tidal power, and had contributed towards the falling cost of solar. He also used his conference speech to issue a warning to the public:

Voters beware. Voting blue will never get you green. And if the Tories win the next election, the dramatic rise in renewable electricity Liberal Democrats have achieved would be stopped dead in its tracks.

But what do you make of the energy secretary’s record? And what questions do you have about Britain’s future energy supply and security? This is your chance to ask.

Join energy secretary Ed Davey for a live chat:

Join us on Wednesday 22 October from 10.30am BST for a live chat with Ed Davey, secretary of state for energy and climate change.

We’ll be asking questions including:

• How do you rate progress on the introduction of renewable energy sources?
• How can the government ensure we have a secure energy supply?
• Can Britain meet its tough carbon reduction targets?
• Can government really do anything about spiralling energy costs?

How to join in:

The live chat is completely text based and will take place on this page in the comments section below, kicking off on Wednesday 22 October at 10.30am. You can submit any questions in advance on Twitter using the hashtag #bigenergydebate or post them in the comment thread now.

About this project

  • The UK is facing an energy crisis. With rising prices, tough carbon reduction targets, efforts to secure energy supply and mounting political uncertainty ahead of the next election, energy has become a critical issue for government, businesses and civil society.

    The Guardian has teamed up with partners in the energy sector to lead 'The Big Energy Debate'. We'll be engaging with industry, policy makers and academics – and you. Over the coming months this page will serve as a hub for news, views and debate on the future of energy in the UK. Use the hashtag #bigenergydebate to join the discussion.

    The big energy debate is funded by Siemens, National Grid, The Crown Estate, Institution of Engineering and Technology, ENA, NIA and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. All content is editorially independent except pieces labelled "advertisement feature". Find out more

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