Talking Points: Quotable quotes from the week’s news


“There is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here.” —Centers for Disease Control director Tom Frieden, on the Ebola case diagnosed in a visitor from Liberia to Dallas (The Dallas Morning News, Wednesday)

“This is not Africa.” —Dallas County Health and Human Services Director Zachary Thompson, on disease-containment protocols used against the spread of Ebola in the U.S. (, Tuesday)

“I called CDC to get some actions taken, because I was concerned for his life and he wasn’t getting the appropriate care.” —Josephus Weeks, nephew of the Dallas Ebola patient, on his uncle’s being sent home from the hospital (NBC5, Wednesday)

“Nobody is touching each other. Nobody is shaking hands. Everyone is saying, ‘Get away from me.’ ” — Dante Gonzalez, senior at Conrad High School, one of several schools monitored for Ebola containment (The Dallas Morning News, Thursday)

“The best thing to do is to leave Texas. Time to go north.” — Man overheard on a DART train Friday, on the Ebola threat

“I wish to God you protected the White House like you protected your reputation here today.” — Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass., to Secret Service Director Julia Pierson, in a hearing into lapses by her agency; Pierson resigned the next day (The Associated Press, Tuesday)

“It was your title company that benefited by closing that deal. You personally profited.” — GOP Attorney General Greg Abbott, to Democratic Sen. Wendy Davis, insinuating in a gubernatorial debate that she underhandedly benefited from a Texas Enterprise Fund grant (The Dallas Morning News, Wednesday)

“This was about your failure, your failure as chief law enforcement officer of this state, that these funds were being used as a slush fund for your donors.” — Davis to Abbott, on a state audit critical of the governor’s enterprise fund (The Dallas Morning News, Wednesday)

“Dan, you need a math lesson.” — Democratic state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, debating Republican Sen. Dan Patrick in their race for lieutenant governor, on the severity of GOP-backed budget cuts to education (The Dallas Morning News, Tuesday)

“One way you protect women is to protect little girls in the womb.” — Patrick, on Van de Putte’s votes against GOP-backed tighter restrictions on abortion (The Dallas Morning News, Tuesday)

“You have to be paranoid now. You can’t slack off. There is no such thing as data confidentiality anymore.” — Gartner security analyst Avivah Litan, on a cyberattack that compromised personal information of 76 million customers of JPMorgan Chase (The Associated Press, Thursday)

“Well, I think our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper, has acknowledged that I think they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” — President Obama, on being surprised about the Islamic State’s strength (CBS News, last Sunday)

“This was not an intelligence community failure, but a failure by policymakers to confront the threat.” — House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., saying the administration received warnings for a year (The Hill, Monday)

“I was a bit arrogant. I’d been elected governor three times.” — Gov. Rick Perry, on why his 2012 presidential campaign fell apart (, Tuesday)

“It’s not Mecca. It’s Mecca-hattan. This tower and the lights in it are like Vegas.” — Saudi architect Sami Angawi, critical of luxury high-rises that have changed the character of Islam’s holiest city (The Associated Press, Wednesday)

“Negotiating Successful Threesomes” — Title of a free seminar during the University of New Mexico’s first-ever “Sex Week” activities, held to teach students safer and better sex (KOB-TV, Monday)

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