Surprise! Yellow Cab's New App Looks Just Like Uber's

Categories: Transportation

Uber, Curb and Lyft App Screenshots
Familial resemblance?
They've tried to beat them at the City Council, they're still trying to beat them with Michael Morris and the NCTCOG, now Yellow Cab is trying to join Uber and Lyft by offering an app that consumers might actually want to use.

See also: Vonciel Hill and Michael Morris Join Forces and Seek Delay on Car-Service Regulations

As you can see, Yellow Cab's newly rechristened Curb app is what would happen if Uber's app was skinned with its competitor Lyft's color scheme. Functionally, Curb seems to behave similarly to Uber's and Lyft's apps as well, down to the referral bonuses. You pinpoint your location with your smartphone's GPS and a cab is dispatched to you.

But you'll still have to ride in a Yellow Cab if you use it.

You'll still be stuck with a driver who cares more about gaming the meter than traffic laws. You'll still be told that that the cab you just sprinted out of the bar to hail "doesn't go to your neighborhood" if you live anywhere in Oak Cliff. And you'll pay way too much.

That's what it comes down to. In a city without 24-hour public transportation, drunk people and those without cars need a way to get home. No matter its gussied up app or how much Yellow Cab owner Jack Bewly contributes to City Council members, Yellow Cab with a new paint job is still just Yellow Cab.

Clarification: Curb was created by a private company that partners with cab companies around the United States. It was not created by, or exclusive to, Yellow Cab.

My Voice Nation Help

Does the app curse at you when you try to pay with a card instead of cash?


Maybe they will have a 'scenic route' feature, where you get to go 180 degrees in the wrong direction for a couple miles before turning back towards the destination.


Perhaps they will have a feature where they will pick you up, and then decide its a flat rate night where its $40 a ride per person within 3 miles and you get out of the cab if you are trying to go further than that. 


does it have a feature where you can have a cab dispatched to you, then tell you it arrived but left already because they couldn't get a hold of you, even though they have your phone number and you are standing exactly where you said you would be? 


After riding in both of these, I'd say that the few cabbies I rode with were actually really nice, got me to my destination on time, and didn't try to cheat me. Also, I just wanted to point out they do take credit cards now via a little touch screen interface installed by Curb, or you can pay from your phone. 


Dallas cabs are all pieces of shit.  I have never in my years of using them gotten out of one and thought "man, that was a nice ride."  They try to jack up the meter, drive like morons, refuse to take you places, make you wait forever and god forbid if you try to use credit card.

Uber and lyft on the other hand I have never had a bad experience with, the drivers are courteous, prompt and good drivers.  Cabbies in Dallas are just entitled assholes, all of them.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

Ooh a pretty little app, bet they still wont take your credit card.

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

Ummm....DYC has that for awile.

Just under a different call name now.

Getting bored here with the newbies.

Am I the only who hears the theme song to 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' after reading about this app? Seems fitting.

bvckvs topcommenter

Anyone taking bets on how long it takes the web-savvy Uber users to hack Yellow Cab's cheap knock-off of their site?


First! and even though you may be first in queue for Yellow Cab, your chances are better with Uber. 

everlastingphelps topcommenter

@lex.wjtan If you think that they didn't try to cheat you, it's more likely that you just didn't recognize the more subtle cheats.


@everlastingphelps @lex.wjtan Maybe, but I doubt it, I kept my GPS on, and used a taxi meter app. I've heard the horror stories, trust me I'm from Malaysia, but the guy seemed honest, so I kept his number for future rides. Can't keep a guy from honest work just because of a few rogues you know?

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