Texans Think They Can Solve Traffic With Retimed Traffic Lights

Categories: Transportation

Jack Keene
If only the traffic lights weren't mistimed.
Breathe easy, Texas. Your long-term transportation needs -- the one lawmakers and policy experts have been fretting about for years -- have officially been solved. The masses, in their wisdom, which the Texas Transportation Institute has distilled in a just-published survey, have settled on a sure-fire way to address the state's congestion issues: Texas needs to do a better job of timing stop lights.

Tweaking traffic signals wasn't the only congestion cure respondents overwhelmingly endorsed. Their second favorite was "doing a better job of managing accidents."

Such results underscore a fundamental challenge in dealing with Texas' transportation needs in a meaningful way. Voters are in favor of solutions only so long as they involve no inconvenience and don't cost anything.

And so, while the survey reveals a solid majority favors adding more lanes to state roads (68.7 percent), investing in public transit (65.4 percent), and better funding the current system (63.3 percent), support drops precipitously when actual funding mechanisms are identified. Increasing vehicle registration fees by $10 is the least objectionable, with 36.8 percent support.

The other thing the survey makes clear is that cars will continue to dominate transportation policy. The vast majority of Texans think that drivers should dictate how transportation plans are shaped, with the Texas Department of Transportation running a close second. Pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users, Texans agree, should have a much smaller voice.

Democracy, in other words, might not be the best means of establishing a balanced transportation system. Perhaps a benevolent dictator, a not-evil Michael Morris, is in order.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

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DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Pennsylvania may join 34 other states in RAISING highway speed limits 

"Increasing Pennsylvania's maximum speed limit on interstate highways and the turnpike will allow for better traffic flow and more efficient delivery of goods and services throughout the Commonwealth," Scarnati wrote in a memo on Friday to other state senators.

Following a nationwide trend

According to Heavy Duty Trucking, 34 other states have 70-mph speed limits on highways. In fact, 16 states have recently increased their limits to at least 75 mph. Pennsylvania has seen a variety of highway speed limits in the last few decades. The Philadelphia Inquirer reported vehicles were originally able to travel at least 70 mph until the energy crisis in the 1970s forced state legislators to reduce the limit to 55 mph. In the early '90s, that law was repealed and the limit was set at 65 mph. Advanced automobile technology and lower traffic deaths are part of the impetus behind the recent proposal, the Inquirer said.

holmantx topcommenter

A benevolent dictator might also decide to knock down an overpass.  

He could also decide to replace stop lights with stop signs.  You know, to make neighborhoods more walkable 'n all.

Fortunately, we don't have a democracy but a representative republic.  And thank God for that.

Majority rule is a precious, sacred thing worth dying for. But — like other precious, sacred things, such as the home and the family — it’s not only worth dying for; it can make you wish you were dead. Imagine if all of life were determined by majority rule. Every meal would be a pizza. Every pair of pants, even those in a Brooks Brothers suit, would be stonewashed denim. Celebrity diet and exercise books would be the only thing on the shelves at the library. And—since women are a majority of the population—we’d all be married to Mel Gibson. - P. J. O’Rourke (b. 1947), U.S. journalist. Parliament of Whores, “The Mystery of Government” (1991).

Of course, in the peculiar case of Dallas government, we should be electing the City Manager slot.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

Set the Driver's License Testing standards -- both written and PRACTICAL -- on a curve so that only the top 50% pass, with the lower half always failing.


Dallas police are the worst at clearing accidents.  I watched while they managed to bollux up all of downtown traffic during rush hour over a slight fenderbender and the car was on the sidewalk.  I asked one of the officers about accident clearing training and my recollection is that he told me they don't get any. Well that sure is evident. 


[Tweaking traffic signals wasn't the only congestion cure respondents overwhelmingly endorsed. Their second favorite was "doing a better job of managing accidents."]

This is a MAJOR sore point with me.  We keep talking about this congestion/capacity problem--- yet a significant part of that congestion is associated with the incredibly lethargic approach DPD takes to accident clearance on the highway network.

Several times each day, there are several mile long backups that trigger thousands of man-hours in lost productivity and huge pollution problems due to one of two things:

1)  Waiting on tow-trucks; or

2)  DPD or DFR closing too many lanes, or being slow to open lanes up as the accident scene is cleaned up.

For a nominal sum, DPD could contact with towing companies to pre-position tow trucks along the highway system (NTTA does this from time-to-time).  Also, they could experiment with a DPD-operated tow truck fleet that was equipped with red-and-blue lights, etc, that would facilitate their ability to navigate through the stalled traffic to reach the accidents.

With respect to DPD, they could be sent to train with Houston PD, who are GREAT at clearing accidents quickly (at least they used to be). 


Why does the rest of the civilized world (i.e. most of Europe) have speed limits of 100kph (66 mph)  on urban area multilane divided highways and ours are 60mph?  Why does the rest of the civilized world have speed limits on interurban multilane divided highways of 130kph (83mph) and ours are 70 mph?

Why do our law enforcement officials usually just sit around and chit-chat at accident scenes instead of effectively redirecting traffic?

My Uncle Joe was a  good 'ole boy Southern Democrat County Judge in East Texas (who worked to get LBJ elected to state wide and federal office repeatedly)  and he would be raising a fit if he saw just how just lazy and inefficent county governments are in North Texas!  He had no problem with a little graft here & there- but being lazy & inefficiencent he wouldn't abide!


People might be in favor of more funding for transportation infrastructure if the government was not pissing away the funds it already gets for that on either moronic things or items having nothing to do with transportation!


It would be interesting to see a demographic breakdown of the survey.


To be overly cynical, we have plenty of other ways to deal with traffic issues in this town that technically won't cost a dime, and will have a much better effect on traffic congestion. Of course, it means offending the hell out of the people most likely to scream "Do you know who I am?" when they get busted for it. For instance, the soccer moms who feel compelled to get out of their cars in the middle of the road by their kids' schools and walk their little zygotes directly to the front door, apparently terrified that some big black guy is going to swoop down, abduct them, and raise them in a loving, caring family? Big fine. the jerks in downtown who'd rather block off a whole intersection when their light goes red rather than not tailgate the person in front of them? Fine. Alter kokkers strolling along at 35 mph in the fast lane of the highway, only speeding up when they realize someone's trying to pass them? Confiscate the car and let 'em walk home. Critical Massholes who think traffic laws only apply to them when it's to their benefit? Make sure that traffic laws really DO apply to cyclists as well as motorists. Oh, and with the goofballs who use the center lane of any road as their personal texting lane, and who are flipping off the drivers behind them at a green light because they just have to finish that last Facebook post? Don't even bother arresting them or fining them: just put them on the side of the road, put a shotgun in their mouths like Bill Hicks's famed "big black cock of death", and leave the bodies on the side for the buzzards. Once you have a few cairns of yuppie corpses along the side of George Bush Tollway near North Dallas Tollway, maybe the others will learn, eventually, that It Can Wait.

Capricious? Possibly. Vindictive, definitely. Dealing with Dallas drivers, especially the ones racing to get back to Allen or Frisco, definitely brings out one's inner Judge Dredd. However, since nothing but shame and threats of physical violence seem to make an impression, why not go whole hog and make some money off people too stupid or too self-obsessed to be trusted with a Big Wheel?


They're not wrong. This was like when Obama caught blowback for suggesting people inflate their car tires to the correct pressure to get better mileage. Also, these are things that can be handled at the municipal level and don't require state or national intervention. Until you can make the suburbs disappear, convince offices that having everyone meet in a set location is an outdated mode of working, or make a break through in self driving cars, this is just going to be the way it is. 


Better timed traffic lights make a huge difference.  Why not go for the low hanging fruit first?

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Synchronizing traffic signals is nothing new.

Originally, the traffic signals at Greenville/Lovers Ln and Central/Lovers Ln were synchronized to manage the traffic flow as if it were one intersection.  Since then the two intersections are no longer synchronized and the traffic is a mess.

When I worked in Louisiana, the traffic lights for US167/US90 through Lafayette were synchronized so that when you started at the north or south end of town, you would be able to drive all the way through town without stopping.  The city had signs directing you to drive at 43 MPH.  It was indeed nice.

The City of Houston has something similar in their downtown grid.


@holmantx  Why replace stop lights with stop signs? Why not roundabouts? Make drivers pay attention to each other rather than bet the other motorist is paying attention.


@Lorlee  Dallas Police won't even show up to an accident unless someone is injured to the point of needing to go to the hospital.  My car was totaled by a wasted driver by the fire station in Deep Ellum.  The fire dept. Shrugged their shoulders because no one was injured and when I called the police they refused to respond because there were no injuries even though my car was disabled blocking traffic with all 45 air bags deployed after the lady hit me so hard she almost flipped my car.


I thought Dallas agreed to that a few years ago. Houston has been doing that for many years.


Your speed conversions are DISD quality.


ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@BIAPBOB I can understand why it may be 60 when passing the Downtown core on 30 as there is tons of traffic, but there really is no reason why I20 shouldnt be at least 65 if not 70 from the Dallas County border all the way out to Weatherford.  Hell Arlington PD wont even pull you over on 20 unless you are going 75 in the 60 on 20


@BIAPBOB I believe most of the cars in Europe are smaller causing less damage when in a wreck.

As for police officers at wreck scenes....why don't we contract that work out to trained sub contractors so the police can do actual police work? 


@BIAPBOB The rest of the civilized world uses mass transit if you want to get all rhetorical.

Our highway speeds use to be set at 55mph because that was found to be the best speed to maximize fuel efficiency.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


Because our speed limits are set to control air pollution.

That and you ought to see what is required to get a drivers license in countries such as Germany and England.


@JSSS  Voters approved a constitutional amendment requiring 25% to go for education, so blame the voters. Of course, this was done decades ago, so it's not the cause of the problem. The problem is we tax volume rather than sales, so the tax doesn't keep up with inflation.

Montemalone topcommenter


You forgot the fucking old people.

Turn signals falshing, stopping at every intersection, never turning.

Waiting an hour for the parking spot next to the door when there's plenty empty 3 spaces away.

Sitting through left turn signals because, well who knows the fuck why?

I could go on, but that vein over my eye is starting to pulsate, better let it go.


@stuffedbuffalo  The issue isn't that such suggestions are wrong. Rather, given the scale of the problem, it's that they're silly.


@doublecheese  Because lights timed for traffic on one street means they can't be times for all of the streets it's crossing. The real problem is American traffic engineer's preference for signal lights over alternatives in place elsewhere in the world.


@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul  Shortcomings to synchronization include:

1) Synchronizing for traffic on one road pretty much eliminates the chance it can be synchronized on all the other roads it intersects, and

2) Traffic moves at different speeds depending on time of day.

Montemalone topcommenter

@ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul That Lovers Ln intersection is a nightmare. Fucking morons have no concept of left turn signals. Someone needs to just incinerate that stupid Central Market store so those people won't clog the intersection.


@andypandy @Lorlee Well they showed up for this one -- no injuries and virtually no damage to the cars  -- I think they showed up just because they could.  -- Maybe because it was downtown. 


@fred.garvin.mp.713 I think they (DPD) did, but there wasn't any follow-through.  The Dallas County Sheriff clears highway accidents in a fraction of the time required by DPD.


Don't blame me- blame the VW speedometer gauge for being off 2.5 mph on those conversions! (Less than 0.25 standard deviation!) ;)

Montemalone topcommenter

@John1073 @BIAPBOB

I drive my 8 cylinder German coupe at 70mph and exceed the EPA estimate.

55 was a solution 40 years ago when the Arabs cut off the gas and DC had to do something.

Cars today are engineered to be more efficient at higher speeds. 

Montemalone topcommenter


That right there is the solution to congestion.

Quit passing out licenses to anyone that applies.

It's plainly obvious that most people have no idea of the rules of the road.


@Montemalone  "Waiting an hour for the parking spot next to the door when there's plenty empty 3 spaces away."

This is hardly a trait I'd associate with old people. I blame stiletto heels.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Montemalone @LeroyJenkem I really do despise the fuckhead at a stoplight that you can clearly see is texting or surfing the web, then the light turns green, you wait 5 seconds, they still dont move, so you give them a little blip of your horn and now THEY GIVE ME THE FINGER.  Oh fuck no, thats when I wish I owned The car in Uncle Buck and could just push that mother fucker through the intersection while laughing maniacally.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

@Montemalone @ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul 

I especially like the people who use the inside left turn lane on the southbound frontage road and then want to go south on Greenville Avenue.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Lorlee @andypandy When I got to boned in downtown,  i called the cops and the dispatcher said, is anyone dead, i said no, what about bleeding or seriously injured, i said no, she said Ok, we cant help you then have a good day.  I asked what Im supposed to do with my car disable in the intersection of Commerce and Market, she said move it or call a tow truck, just stay out of the street.  Anyhow, 2 Dallas squad cars pulled up, asked if everyone was ok, which we said yes, and then they just drove off.  They will literally do nothing if they dont have too


Ok. I read about it in the DMNews at the time, guess nothing's changed.

I also notice that most people--no matter how small the accident--will leave their cars as is at the accident scene. I thought there was a law against that, but it must not be enforced.

I do a ton of driving with my work, and it gets my goat to see a minor fender bender (or no visible damage, even), and the drivers are talking on their cell phones, the two cars are in the middle lane, and traffic is backed up for miles.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@WylieH @fred.garvin.mp.713 I thought DCSO handled all freeway accident clearing in Dallas with rescue provided by DFD when needed and the DPD only did side street major accidents


@kduble  Please enlighten me.  Other than the massive vehicles driven in North America I believe the majority of the rest of the world drive economical vehicles along with the luxury models like Mercedes, BMW, Audi etc This is what I find regarding Germany's autobahn

Certain limits are imposed on some classes of vehicles:

60 km/h (37 mph)
  • Buses carrying standing passengers
  • Motorcycles pulling trailers
80 km/h (50 mph)
  • Vehicles with maximum allowed weight exceeding 3.5 t (except passenger cars)
  • Passenger cars and trucks with trailers
  • Buses
100 km/h (62 mph)
  • Passenger cars pulling trailers certified for 100 km/h
  • Buses certified for 100 km/h not towing trailers

I could be wrong but this is what I've been told and research seems to bear out that most of the world doesn't have a need for the humungous, gas guzzling tanks we drive on a whole.  Of course there are always exceptions like the suburbans used in place of limos etc.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@Montemalone @John1073 @BIAPBOB

True that. 

It's a false myth -- repeated by morons -- that all vehicles get better mileage at 55mph than say 65 or even 75. 

It really depends on how they're GEARED and what the RPM of the engine is at any given speed. Riding at 6000 rpm at 55mph will get way worse MPG than traveling at 75mph @ 4000 rpm.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@ScottsMerkin " clearly see is texting or surfing the web, then the light turns green, you wait 5 seconds, ..."

There's the problem, you're merely encouraging their bad behavior via acquiescence.

Give them 1 (one) New York second, then BLAAAAAAAAAST! the horn until the reflexively shit their pants.


@ScottsMerkin @Lorlee @andypandy So guys -- I saw this with my very own eyes.  several police cars and a fire truck or two and an ambulance -- what can I say.  And the disabled car ended up on the sidewalk -- out of the way with the guy walking around.  On Elm by 901 Main building.  And all of downtown was completely messed up.  But more importantly, every accident I see is mishandled seemingly to try and create the maximum mess. Other areas have protocols in place to trying and reduce the problem.  Why can't Dallas.


@riconnel8  I agree completely. It's the notion we should privatize law enforcement functions that strikes me as daft.


@DonkeyHotay  It's true transmissions are far more efficient, but wind resistance is still a factor.


@kduble I am not suggesting privatizing the police force.  I am not a fan of privatizing on a whole.

What I am suggesting is creating a position where trained individuals investigate accidents, write tickets and get traffic moving while freeing up officers, who have trained for months and receive a good salary, to do the actual work of protecting our communities.  

They would work like a teacher's aide does to a teacher.  How much sense would it make to have two or more teachers, earning what they do, in a classroom? 

 My goal is to get the officers on the streets, working with the public.  It's not like DFW doesn't have enough crime to keep them busy. 

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@kduble ... wind resistance on any modern passenger vehicle doesn't change the FACT that travelling 55 mph at 6000 rpm is FAR LESS EFFICIENT than travelling 75 mph at 4000 rpm.

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