Dallas Healthcare Worker Tests Positive For Ebola

Categories: Healthcare

Centers for Disease Control
Transmission electron micrograph of the Ebola virus
According to reports from multiple news outlets and the Centers for Disease Control, a healthcare worker -- reportedly a nurse -- who was in contact with Thomas Eric Duncan has tested positive for the Ebola virus. The test was performed by the Texas Department of State Health Services and is being confirmed by the CDC

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital has confirmed that the nurse was in contact with Duncan, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, during his second visit to the hospital. Presbyterian declined say how the nurse might have contracted the virus because of privacy concerns, but CDC director Thomas Frieden says there was clearly a "breach in protocol."

Neighbors within a four-block radius of the nurse's home -- an apartment complex on the 3700 block of Marquita Avenue -- received reverse 911 calls and CDC literature about Ebola. Dallas police are standing guard to keep people away from the home.

The full statement about the positive test from the CDC:

Texas Reports Positive Test for Ebola in a Health Care Worker

CDC to do confirmation testing today

A healthcare worker at Texas Presbyterian Hospital who provided care for the index patient has tested positive for Ebola according to preliminary tests by the Texas Department of State Health Services' laboratory. The patient was isolated after the initial report of a fever and remains so now. Confirmation testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's laboratory will be done today.

On Friday October 10, a healthcare worker at Texas Presbyterian Hospital who provided care for the index patient reported a low grade fever and was referred for testing. The health care worker had been self-monitoring for fever and symptoms.

The hospital and patient were notified of the preliminary positive result. In addition, CDC has interviewed the patient to identify any contacts or potential exposures in the community.

This is understandably disturbing news for the patient, the patient's family and colleagues and the greater Dallas community. The CDC and the Texas Department of State Health Services remain confident that wider spread in the community can be prevented with proper public health measures including ongoing contact tracing, health monitoring among those known to have been in contact with the index patient and immediate isolations if symptoms develop.

Ebola is spread through direct contact with bodily fluids of a sick person or exposure to objects such as needles that have been contaminated. The illness has an average 8-10 day incubation period (although it could be from 2 to 21 days) so CDC recommends monitoring exposed people for symptoms a complete 21 days. People are not contagious during the incubation period, meaning before symptoms such as fever develop.

CDC tests results will be shared when confirmatory tests are done, following appropriate patient notification.

Update 10:28 a.m.: Frieden has confirmed that the worker was not one of the 48 people being monitored for close contact with Duncan. She was self-monitoring and sought treatment when she developed a low-grade fever. Texas Health Commissioner David Lakey says that the state and CDC are now trying to determine how many additional people should be monitored.

Update 11:46 a.m.: Presbyterian officials say that the time from the nurse's discovering she had a fever to her being placed in isolation was less than 90 minutes. One "close contact" of the nurse has also been placed in isolation.

Update 7:23 p.m.: The CDC confirmed the nurse's positive test Sunday afternoon. Her apartment building has been blocked off with police tape. The same cleaning company that handled the decontamination and cleaning of Duncan's apartment is cleaning and removing hazardous materials from the health care worker's apartment.

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noblefurrtexas topcommenter

 A second health care worker at Presby has been confirmed as contracting Ebola!

Can we fire the morons at the CDC and Dallas County Health Department now? 




The links above are to the Public Intelligence Blog www.phibetaiota.net which last week consided the possible rationale used by President Obama and his Administration for dismantling public health protocols restricting commercial travel into the United States from epidemic “hot zones”. These Bush era quarantine rules were taken down in April of 2010 by President Obama. See link here:http://sweetness-light.com/archive/flashback-april-2010-obama-kills-bush-quarantine-rules#.VDka8k3wslY

The authors posit that the answer is “Big Pharma’s” desire to leverage a manufactured Ebola panic in the US using Continuity of Government features of President Bush’s “Patriot Act” and President Obama’s “NDAA” to justify the mandatory vaccination of the entire country under the rubric of National Security.

Even more fertile minds offer conjecture that citizens who refuse vaccination out of concern for what the injection may do to the health of their loved ones risk arrest, detention, forfeiture of their firearms and assets to the Federal agencies which could be tasked by Presidential Directive with administering The Cure.

Could any of this be true?

After the much publicized illness and death of Ebola infected Liberian national Thomas Duncan and his legacy infection(s), perhaps the more salient questions are: 1) Why hasn’t President Obama directed his Administration to shut down commercial travel into the US from Ebola “Hot Zones” in Africa, 2) is “Big Pharma” really developing an “Ebola Vaccine”, 3) if so, does the capability exist to manufacture and administer 350 million+ doses in the US, and 4) would President Obama and his Administration even remotely consider doing anything this horrific to the citizens of The United States of America?

All of this is far beyond two party politics. For once we are all truly in the same boat.  


So does self monitoring also mean self-quarantine?? Does isolated been medical isolation? I read another article that said she had called into work for two days before she went to the ER.  I take that to mean she might not have had a fever but maybe she had muscle fatigue or upset stomach.  So was she working at the hospital up to the first day she called in sick? Which are her favorite restaurants on Greenville so I avoid them for 21 days.  Although, Dr. Nancy seems to think it's ok to break quarantine for a good soup.

bvckvs topcommenter

It's interesting to see the roar of silence from Republican leaders on this matter.  While a few junior ones are trying to exploit this to promote their anti-immigrant agenda, the vast majority are remaining silent - knowing that it's a serious issue in which their usual grandstanding and bluster has no place.


So. How many of the people commenting on this site are actually health-care professionals?

And how many are experts in infectious diseases?

holmantx topcommenter

Ebola Fun Facts

No sex predilection exists. Men, by the nature of their work exposure in forest and savanna regions (bushmeat), may be at increased risk of acquiring a primary infection from an as yet unknown vector (fruit bats). Because women provide much of the direct care for ill family members (nursing) and are involved in the preparation of the bodies of deceased family (mortician), they may be at increased risk of acquiring a secondary infection (war on women). However, men and women who are medical health care providers seem to share a high and equal risk of infection (yer on your own, if this gets too bad).

Age: In the 1995 outbreak in Kikwit, DRC, infection rates in children were significantly less than in adults. During this outbreak, only 27 (8.6%) of the 315 patients diagnosed with Ebola were aged 17 years or younger. This apparent sparing of children occurs even though 50% of the population of the DRC is younger than 16 years.

People who work with animals, such as Animal Welfare groups or Animal lab technicians (and those who prepare and consume bushmeat), are at higher risk in comparison to the general population.

The disease usually begins as a viral illness, followed by gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea, and finally followed by haemorrhage from multiple sites – especially from the gastro-intestinal tract.  

Race: No evidence exists for a racial predilection in Ebola infection. Because most cases have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, most patients have been black.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@deep-sigh She is reported to have gone immediately to the hospital after discovering that her temperature was elevated, and if true, minimized the risk of having infected anyone.

observist topcommenter

@bvckvs  That's a pretty good trick - a completely partisan post about how Ebola is not a partisan issue.


@bvckvs Actually I've been wondering where the big mouthed Rick Perry is...seems he's MIA.  Isn't he and his ilk believers in State government rights superseding Federal government?  And yet when a crisis develops he's no where to be seen.  It seems that Federal Government does have a place in his Tea Party/Libertarian view of the new world for all the blathering he does about seceding.  Very telling that when the rubber hits the road you can't count on him or his kind.  Not that any sane person would want to.

bmarvel topcommenter

@feldnick "...how many are experts in infectious diseases?"

Most of them. Just ask them.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@feldnick Dr. Phelps and Dr. Holman, paragons in the field of infectious diseases, Nobel winners, and part-time Proctologists.

bvckvs topcommenter


"Expert" is a relative term.  Compared to the Republican religious zealots and the retards in their TEA party and libertarian fringes - everyone's an expert.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@holmantx ... Ebola = one of God's many creations

Intelligent Design!



@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @deep-sigh yup but the NYT reports "before her trip to the emergency room, officials said,  the nurse had not been to work for two days"  There's no comment about whether she may have experienced other symptoms like headache, muscle fatigue, upset stomach and that's why she wasn't at work, or just took some vacation time..... then the fever (being the first sympton?) kicked in and she went to the ER.  Just trying to hammer down some deets.

bvckvs topcommenter

@observist @bvckvs 

Disagreeing with the bad decisions that Republicans make isn't partisan - everybody does it.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


According to polls, the public is weary of Obama and democrats in general, but maybe the Democrat ad blaming the ebola outbreak on republicans will turn things around.

bvckvs topcommenter

@riconnel8 @bvckvs 

Perry can't really be bothered right now.  Aside from his felony indictments, he's also got problems on the border.

Apparently, when he sent the National Guard to watch the border, he forgot to get funding, so many of the guardsmen aren't getting paid at all.  Now, they're showing up at food pantries and welfare offices, begging for handouts - right along side the illegal immigrants.

At this point his security folks are probably telling him what George Bush's have been telling him for years - stay out of sight; avoid the American people; limit your personal appearances to secure venues, etc.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Perry was "seen" last week, and was execrated in this forum for having the audacity.

bmarvel topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @feldnick I don't believe either is a proctologist, Myrna. Neither could find that particular portion of his anatomy if he had a flashlight and a mirror.

bmarvel topcommenter

@bvckvs "Expert" is NOT a relative term, bvkvs. Contrary to assertions on the left and the right , both of whom tend to pick their experts on the basis of political ideology. Put aside the politics, it's not terribly difficult to discern who are the experts, even when the experts disagree. What's hard is deciding which expert is probably right.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Fortunately perfesser, ebola is a disease that will chiefly affect democrats in liberal cities (which probably has Mikey Moore questioning his faith again), and it will be staunch Republicans like yourself that will, as usual, be tasked with saving these hapless, dependent, wards of the liberal state from the mis-steps of their messiahs, who are polling poorly of late.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @holmantx You DO realize, do you not, that if Ebola took root in the United States, it would make the Bubonic Plague in Europe look like a common cold epidemic. 

God also gave us bread mold from which the miracle of Penicillin sprang.

holmantx topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @holmantx

All the gods are dead except the god of war. - Eldridge Cleaver (b. 1935), U.S. black leader, writer. Soul on Ice, pt. 1, “Four Vignettes: ‘The Christ’ and His Teachings” (1968).

mavdog topcommenter


According to polls, the public is weary of Obama and democrats and republicans in general



@bvckvs @riconnel8 Yes, that sounds like a third world Perry security plan.  Even George Bush is smarter than Perry.  Now that's saying something.....

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki As long as he's just seen. It's when he's heard that  the rest of us cringe.


@TheRuddSki Thanks.  I agree, the less seen, the less heard, the less damage.  But none of that has ever stopped him before.


@TheRuddSki My favorite thing ever is when people take an issue that effects us all, one that at its core should be focused on compassion and concern for something that is actually effecting a real-life person, and make it all about the party line.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@noblefurrtexas @holmantx

Yersinia pestis, another one of your God's creations

Bubonic Plague Still Kills Thousands

Bubonic plague, the deadly scourge that wiped out half of Europe during the Middle Ages, still lurks in pockets of the globe, new research suggests.

Although plague is now rare in Europe, it recently sickened more than 10,000 people in Congo over a decade, and cases still occasionally emerge in the Western United States, according to a study published Sept. 16 in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.


mavdog topcommenter


I've always pictured you as a huge Eldridge Cleaver fan.


@ScottsMerkin @deep-sigh @Myrna.Minkoff-Katz She knows and it's written down somewhere...where's TMZ when ya need them. So prob a report "the nurse had not been at work for two days, she was riding the DART, enjoying herself at the state fair, and eating at the Blue Goose." would be too much to information to handle.....

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Which is why democrats are so worried about losing the Senate, eh?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


So if Perry speaks, it's too much, but if he doesn't speak enough, he's MIA.

Hows that porridge?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I blame Independents.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay @noblefurrtexas @holmantx Plague, formerly known as pasteurella pestis,
is still a dreaded disease and I expect it will remain active as long as there are fleas and vectors alive. 

My reference to Plague was the incredible spread of the disease in Europe which, to many historians, changed the course of the world -- in some cases better, in many cases worse.  (Jews and Gypsies were often blamed for what was actually by fleas, and mostly from rats.)

One of the truly terrible things about Ebola is that it can mimic a cold, the ordinary flu, or even an upset stomach or the early stages of gastroenteritis. So, by the time someone really believes they have something more serious than the flu, they can infect other people.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Gaia's Revenge for SUV's.

mavdog topcommenter


both parties should be worried, neither one of them is getting very positive reviews from the public.

look at Kansas, an independent is likely to defeat the incumbent republican in a very red state.

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki He's MIA especially when he speaks, Ruddski.



Insert Obama for Perry and we pretty much got your lame ass posts.


@TheRuddSki some like it hot some like it cold...personally? I like it seasoned with a little smart.  You can find smart at your better grocers right next to compassion.  A little dash goes a long ways.

bmarvel topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Yeah, Ruddski. Some people don't know whether to blow their own nose without consulting the party line. We're all grateful that you're not like that.

bmarvel topcommenter

@mavdog @TheRuddSki On the other hand, if we didn't have partisan extremism, about three-quarters of the commenters here would have nothing to say.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


both parties should be worried...

They are.

But one has an albatross called "Obama's Policies" to worry about.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Perry's allwhite.

mavdog topcommenter


...and that would be a bad thing in what way?

mavdog topcommenter


right, and the republicans don't have an albatross, which is their party's platform.

that's why their poll approval numbers are the same, are as low, as the democrats....

ask yourself this: if Obama is such "an albatross" as you claim, why is it the republican party doesn't have a huge positive approval rating over the democrats?

they don't, and there isn't.

bmarvel topcommenter

@mavdog @bmarvel Then the number of  hits on Jim's column would plummet and DO would quietly drop him -- the Observer is barely making it as it is, circulation down 12 percent in a single year. We're all just pilot fish swimming in Jim's wake, anyway. Uneven as it is.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Well hang in there mav, even blind optimism is good for the ticker.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@bmarvel @mavdog

The ONLY thing that saved the sister publications Westword and Phoenix New Times are the new $$ stream from Marijuana Dispensary Ads.

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