Dallas' Effort to Relocate the Ebola-Exposed Family Might Not Be So Easy

Categories: Healthcare

For now, the occupants of the Vickery Meadow apartment where patient Thomas Eric Duncan was staying are hunkered down in their ebola-tainted quarters while a Hazmat team scrubs the unit and the rest of Dallas preps for the end times.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins told reporters in a conference call this afternoon that he would like the family moved to a new, ebola-free apartment, preferably one equipped with a washing machine.

Seems reasonable. The trick is finding an apartment manager willing to take in a family that's been exposed to one of the deadliest diseases known to man. I happened to be at City Hall poring over a stack of documents in the housing department around the time Jenkins was expressing his hopes for a swift relocation, and I was treated to a first-hand glimpse of what the official rehousing effort sounds like.

It took place on speaker phone a couple of cubicles down. The conversation was occasionally drowned out by other people talking, but the gist of it was pretty clear. Here's a rough approximation.

Housing lady: Hi. This is the Dallas housing department. We were wondering if you might have a unit available. There's a great family, a single mom and her kids, well-behaved, always pays their rent on time, may have been exposed to ebola ...

Apartment manager: Wait, ebola?

Housing lady: Yeah. It'd make the Department of Homeland Security really happy, and the Texas Department of State Health Services will cover three months' rent.

Apartment manager: Hmmm....

Housing lady: Pretty please?

Apartment manager: I'd love to -- really -- but we just don't have any space right now.

Jenkins' chief of staff says there might be a housing update at a press conference scheduled for 5 p.m. at the county Records Building. Perhaps Jenkins has found a spare bedroom at his Highland Park home?

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

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TheRuddSki topcommenter

It's a good thing we've sealed our Southern border so tight, a fruit bat couldn't get through.

During the 2013 fiscal year, statistics from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website show Border Patrol agents apprehended 112 immigrants from Guinea, 231 from Liberia and 145 immigrants from Sierra Leone, which are the three countries currently experiencing the most cases of Ebola.


bvckvs topcommenter

It turned out not to be all that difficult at all - thanks to liberal politicians.  While conservatives and libertarians were wringing their hands and crying about how askared they were, the judge just got together with some friends, rented them a place, and drove them there themselves.

They took the family to a gated community because reporters were hounding them and right-wing racists were smashing windows and throwing rocks at them and their neighbors.


Clay Jenkins has a few empty schools they could use, apparently.


How are Rawlings, Ragsdale, and Davis gonna spin this as the Davenports' fault?

Can't wait for their reasoning.


Snarking on Ricky Perry's allowing his state to be invaded by bands of his hated heretics: feds and scientists.

Imagine the evil ideas they carry with them. Believers in the germ theory of disease, and aarrgghhh, evolution.

Ricky, What have you done?

But seriously, Texas is perfect place, given institutionalized cluelessness and lunatic belief systems.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

Gavin should probably be the one to write the snarky ebola articles.  Eric just doesn't get snark or humor.  Besides, Gavin needs to stay sharp for his winter storm reporting.


We're a World Class City, why can't we just buy a freaking trailer and stick it on city property next to a police station. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter

By next week, Eric Holder will make this type of housing discrimination illegal.


The Ebolian TownUnits at Smartsdale Village are impeccably appointed.


Does anyone know how to get books, clothes and toys to this family?  I can't imagine what they are going through.


First! and first to say, "Gee, that was an easy headline."

holmantx topcommenter


A top epidemiologist who operates a charity hospital in Guatemala said the problem is not West Africa.  It's central America.  It's a numbers game.  There's an ocean separating us from the African continent.

Ebola is going to jump to central America where they don't have the healthcare and communication infrastructure to contain it, and the hoards will rush the border like Mr. Duncan did.

Then we'll find out if we have the guts to enforce the border.

I suspect Mexico is sweating bullets right now.  Those assholes will shoot to kill (ha!).  Hopefully they can hold the line.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


...lunatic belief systems.

Can this blog get through a single day without someone insulting Cowboys fans?


Put em in Vonciel's house. She isn't there.

bvckvs topcommenter


There are at least three groups who can help you with that:  Catholic Charities, Vickery Meadows Learning Center, and the Presbyterian church that sponsors VMLC.

You can also contact the children's principles at Tasby Middle School, Conrad High School and I forget what the other two schools are, but it's all over the news and shouldn't be hard to sus.


Too bad Hatters is gone. Woulda been great conversation.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Just drop by and knock on the door - seems to work for other visitors.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


On the African end, our sole defense is trust. On the Mex border end (which we do not control), we'll rely on Mexican marksmanship - likely the cartels, who, like ISIS, have the will and ability to get 'er done.


Target rich environment. C'est la guerre.

mavdog topcommenter


The CDC looked at Vonciel's house and determined the pool was as great a risk to the family's health as staying in the apartment. Wouldn't let them near it.

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