Preston Center Is Getting a Skybridge, and Maybe a Tom Thumb

Categories: Development

Flickr user Troy Wason
Coming soon to Preston Center, give or take a little grandeur.
Earlier this week, we spent some time examining why Preston Center, the aging shopping center floating on a sea of Park Cities/Preston Hollow riches, sucks so hard. Little did we know that Crow Holdings already had a plan to fix it. With a skybridge.

Last December, Crow purchased the old Sanger-Harris department store building at Douglas and Berkshire, the one whose current tenants include such purveyors of high-end merchandise as Marshalls, Office Depot, and CVS Pharmacy.

See also: A Brief Primer on Why Preston Center Sucks

Bill Willingham, a longtime Preston Center property owner, says Crow is looking to lure the Tom Thumb currently housed in a cramped storefront at the Plaza at Preston Center on the other side of Preston Road into the second-floor space vacated by Ross. Neither Tom Thumb nor Crow's representatives have returned calls seeking confirmation. Willingham, who is not involved in the transaction, says it's not quite a done deal but he thinks it's close.

What is certain is that Crow wants to build the skybridge between the store and the second floor of Preston Center's parking garage so, Willingham says, the hypothetical shoppers at the hypothetical Tom Thumb will be able to reach their cars without going downstairs and darting across Preston Center's helter-skelter traffic. Also certain, though we haven't seen the renderings: It will look nothing like the awe-inspiring span above. We apologize for any confusion.

Send your story tips to the author, Eric Nicholson.

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Amy S
Amy S

I guess this will displace the parking for Hillstone employees. They're encouraged to park on the Dallas side of PC.


It would be funny if the Preston NIMBYs approved of an ugly skybridge after so vehemently opposing Highland House.

observist topcommenter

For the record, a skybridge is just a bridge with marketing added.


A Toll Skybridge, right?

Montemalone topcommenter

There's already an attached garage with direct access to the space. Of course, all those shopping carts corkscrewing down the ramp might be an inconvenience.

I used to park there when I worked at Sanger-Harris in high school. There was a bar/cafe in the store next to my department. The waitress used to feed me, but never got any booze.


First! and I'll bet that somebody will claim First! when they flash the world from the transparent see-through. Heck, it might be me, if I can find those pink-heart-dotted boxer shorts.

observist topcommenter

@lakewoodhobo Yes - from the skybridge you will be able to enjoy the view of many idyllic back yards.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter


Riding down the corkscrew on bikes was a lot of fun.

Besides, there used to be an A&P next door to Sanger's.

Do  you remember the BBQ smell from Salih's?


@wcvemail You sir are a douche. Sir Douche. Royalty. A royal douche.


@Mervis @wcvemail

That's your opinion, which of course I respect. However, two things are not opinion, but fact: I was first, and I'm good-looking.


@wcvemail No, it's a fact that you are a douche because you feel the need to claim "First" all the time. You are the only one that does that around here. Such a douchey move. Especially for a self-claiming good looking dude. Which by the way is another douchey move. See, two things that are not opinions.

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