Dallas Plan Commission Told to Shut Up, Mind its Own Business on Trinity Tree Massacre

Categories: News

Eric Nicholson
You say you can't see the forest for the trees? City Hall can fix that.
There were several points on Thursday when City Plan Commission members came dangerously close to debating whether City Hall should be allowed to get away with eviscerating several dozen acres of post-oak savanna, in violation of its own zoning rules, so rich people can go golfing.

Luckily for the city's embattled Trinity Watershed Management Department, any substantive discussion of the issue was promptly and summarily strangled by city legal and planning staff.

District 14 Commissioner Paul Ridley was the first to give it a shot.

See also: Dallas Broke Its Own Rules to Get Dirt for Its Golf Course. Now, It Wants a Free Pass.

"Does zoning for Subarea 1 permit strip-mining?" he asked after listening to city planner Neva Dean rattle off the list of the things allowed in the horse-park portion of Planned Development District 883, which includes a hotel and restaurants but not, as you can see from the ordinance, a strip-mine.

Assistant City Attorney Todd Vandiver interjected. "Just to be clear, strip mining is not a use in the city of Dallas. What's allowed is excavation."

"She didn't list excavation as a use," Ridley offered.

That, Dean explained, is because "excavation is not a use." Not in the city code's definition of "use" as something that requires a building permit.

The pit itself isn't the problem, the planners explained. Even though it may not say so in the PD 883 ordinance, the city is allowed to move around as much dirt as it wants without violating the zoning. Rather, it was the clear cutting of several hundred trees that the city messed up on.They were supposed to get a tree-removal permit, which would have required the Plan Commission to first approve a development plan.

District 7 representative Ann Bagley seemed puzzled that she was being asked to approve something that had already happened. "Did they not continue to work out there without a permit?" she asked.

The answer is yes, but before anyone could say so, Vandiver jumped in to declare this question "beyond the purview" of the Plan Commission, a phrase he repeated multiple times over the course of the discussion.

When District 2's Neil Emmons lamented that City Hall's apparent ass-covering "breeds a lot of distrust in the public eye," he was reprimanded by Plan Commission chair Gloria Tarpley for straying off topic.

The topic, as Tarpley and the planning staff framed it, was the very narrow one of whether the development plan for the strip-mine/excavation complies with the conceptual plan approved by the City Council last year. If so, the Plan Commission had no choice but to rubber stamp it, whether the pit they were approving had already been dug or not.

"It's a ministerial function for y'all," Vandiver explained, just as he did during the Sam's Club case three months ago.

The big difference with that case was that denying Trammell Crow's development plan carried with it a real threat of being sued. Nixing the city's application, or at the very lease debating it vigorously, would carry zero legal liability.

As absurd as the entire spectacle has been (city breaks own rules to clear-cut trees and dig a pit, Plan Commission is told it has no choice but to offer absolution), it could have been worse. City arborist Phil Erwiin testified that the spot the city was originally going to dig (a spot in which "excavation" is explicitly allowed in the zoning plan) was covered with a lot of mature pecan trees. The trees that ended up being mulched as part of the excavation were much scrubbier and less significant from an arborilogical perspective. So there's that.

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I think some of you should apply to work in city government.  Clearly you all can run the city better than the people in charge.


Oh look there's Sarah Standifer next to Susan Alvarez each faking sincerity at the pond because people are watching them.  Dont think anyone was fooled by the concern by Sarah Standifer & her understudy Susan Alvarez at the pond. Their sincerity was just to get people off their backs, so Standifer & Alvarez & the chain of command above them which is Liz Fernandez there, & Fernandez's boss Jill Jordan, can all get back to their normal routines which is not care about squat while themselves sucking huge paychecks out of taxpayers.

Sarah Standifer & Susan Alvarez each have their own reputations of corrupt behavior, including about contractors, before this project began. People outside that organization & former employees of Susan Alvarez (head of the city's stormwater department) say Alvarez is corrupt, history of corrupt behaviors by that one.  Also reports were that if people under Susan Alvarez didnt go along with Alvarez's corrupt behavior, Alvarez tried to run them out.

Liz Fernandez, Jill Jordan, Mary Suhm & so far AC Gonzales, were too lazy to do anything.  And some council members care only about getting money to their districts, not punishing anyone.So maybe the only thing that might work is if someone files a lawsuit.

holmantx topcommenter

Does a town or city have to follow its own zoning ordinance?  No, as long as it is performing a governmental function. Municipalities in Texas are not bound by their own zoning ordinances when performing governmental functions unless there is a regulation requiring municipal compliance.  However, the City makes a "best effort" (ha!).  Besides.  

Building a golf curse is clearly a "governmental function" and obviously serves the "Public Good".  

So shut up and sit down. 

Do as I say do, not as I do.


well gotta love dean a bureaucrat who doesn't do anything opening her mouth like she is informed.

should have given these to mr brown the only staffer with any credibility. you may not agree with him but you can trust him he carries nobodies water but his own

scottindallas topcommenter

the best/worst example of this is the Audubon Center.  That is clearly anything but, as it was eviscerated of it's trees for that ugly project.  Leaving the trees would've made a far more beautiful project. 


The combination of crookedness and ineptness coming from the City Attorney's office is not surprising at this point, just disgusting.  And, yes, this lawyer is providing legal advice to both sides of the same dispute - a clear violation of Texas Rule of Professional Conduct 1.06  http://www.law.uh.edu/libraries/ethics/trpc/1.06.html  

RTGolden1 topcommenter




Apparently, if the development isn't something near and dear to the links-n-drinks crowd from north of I-30, the trees become very important to the City Staff.

From all appearances, Vonciel didn't give a rat's ass about the trees in the Walmart situation either, so at least she is consistent.


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mavdog topcommenter

Unfortunate the CPC doesn't have a majority of members who possess the cajones to vote the application down.

with approval of the amended plan, the CPC actually rewarded the folks who violated City code.

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

By the by,

Trinity Tree Massacre . . .

Nice, Patrick. A catchy name is always good for a cause.


Eric,  thanks for the article. We missed the morning discussion session, wish that we did not. Did make the consent vote part, no public comment per regs.  But, Ridley and Bagley did get a chance to score some points on future recommendations on how TWM comes to Plan Commission.  We ordered the tape of the morning sessions and will post the audio when in hand.

We must applaud both Ridley and Bagley on their fortitude.  Hope they are able to make a statement to the public on this mess.

Just back from Noname Pond and BigDig with you and Mr. Jim.  Cannot wait to see the next installment.  

Understand that another tour to this area with City Council takes place this afternoon..

The pond does look better with fish popping and at least one heron.  Lots of discussion on next steps of remediation.

Details on BigDig are most disconcerting,  more later.


We had 3 heroes on the Plan Commission yesterday who voted 'no' despite the City Attorney's advice:  Paul Ridley, Jaynie Schultz, and another female I couldn't see from where I was sitting.  Thank you, Commissioners!

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

They don't need a permit because digging isn't building and excavating isn't strip mining and neither one of them is a "use", but excavating is allowed . . .

Convoluted, to say the least.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

Just who runs this place anyway?

My response to Vandiver would be: You are conflicted.  You can either advise the City Staff or the City Plan Commission, not both.

BTW, it is a strip mine according to the plain language definition.


Got to love the rules apply to thee but not to me standard.  This is the way that crony capitalism and big government works.  Not to worry because if some poor slob that did not have an in with the powers that be did a tenth of the tree cutting the city staff would would be out for blood.


It's 8:00 am on the first day of a new work week and Sarah "Unethical" Standifer and Liz Fernandez STILL have jobs. Why? Because Mary Suhm still trolls City Hall.

Any ideas for removing these idiots? Making them Deputy Chief Wellness Officers is NOT the answer. They all need to be sent home ASAP. This is just the tip of the iceberg.


@RTGolden1 Vonciel is so stupid that she is the council member who said Mary Suhm is like Jesus.  Yes after Suhm was caught having made a secret deal to drill, Vonciel had the briliant statement that Suhm will return like Jesus returned.  What an embarassment that someone that stupid made it on a city's council.


Gloria Tarpley. The Mayor's robot. Margot Murphy. Tarpley & Gates' "sorority sister." Enough said. CPC.....you are a joke.


@TheCredibleHulk  We found out that the City and ATT were saving money.  I am sure our fine media reps will tell the tale.


One of the primary means by which City staff appears to manipulate the CPC and City Council appears to be via highly questionable and biased "advice" from the Dallas City Attorney.


@WylieH Amen.  From zoning, to landmark commission issues, to mundane matters, the city attorney's office provides cover for an agenda that us unknown to just about everyone.  City staff (man, I have learned to hate that phrase) can therefore act without regard to the best interests of the citizens of the city.  Until the city council is composed of more members that are willing to actually think independently, we are stuck with this circus.

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