Rangers introduce Jeff Banister as manager, replacing Ron Washington

Oct 16, 2014, 12:20pm CDT Updated: Oct 17, 2014, 12:18pm CDT

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Courtesy of the Texas Rangers

Jeff Banister is the new manager of the Texas Rangers.

Staff Writer- Dallas Business Journal
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The Texas Rangers introduced Jeff Banister on Friday at the team's new manager.

He replaces former manager Ron Washington, who resigned from the earlier during the season.

The 50-year-old Houston native will become the 18th full-time manager in the baseball club's history, being hired over Rangers interim manager Tim Bogar, who was the apparent favorite for the position and Cleveland Indians bullpen coach Kevin Cash.

"We believe that Jeff is the right individual to lead our club going forward," said Rangers General Manager Jon Daniels in a written statement. "His energy, knowledge, integrity and passion for the game stood out during a very intensive and thorough interview process."

Banister has spent the last 29 seasons as a player, minor league coach and major league coach in Pittsburgh before the Pirates in the June 1986 amateur draft selected him. For the last four seasons, Banister has served as manager Clint Hurdle's interim bench coach since Aug. 8, 2010.

In the last two years, the Pirates have gone to the National League playoffs as a wild card entry after a string of 20 consecutive losing seasons.

"I want to thank the Texas Rangers for giving me this opportunity," Banister said in a statement. "I am elated to have the chance to make an impact on the organization, and I look forward to getting started on that task."

Candace covers commercial and residential real estate and sports business.


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