Feds Allot $9 Million for Unaccompanied Kids' Attorney Fees, But How Far Can That Money Go?

Categories: Healthcare

It sounds like a lot of money, but $9 million will likely only help a lucky few Dallas unaccompanied immigrant kids this year.

On Tuesday, the Obama administration announced an initiative to allot $9 million to help unaccompanied Central American kids pay for attorney fees. The money will be given to several cities with a high population of these kids, including Dallas, over the next two years.

It's a powerful statement in getting legal aid to kids who can't afford it. But it seems the move may be primarily symbolic: How far will that money actually go? When $9 million is spread out over the course of two years, and divided between several different cities, insiders report that Dallas families of unaccompanied minors shouldn't get their hopes up just yet.

"I don't think that amount of money is adequate to meet the needs of the children, but it's a lot more money than was available before this," says Bill Holston, executive director of Human Rights Initiative of North Texas. "I think every agency working in this area is working at capacity."

Thousands of unaccompanied children have been detained in the last several months, and with kids moving through the immigration court system faster than ever, many families do not have the time to scrounge raise the money needed for a lawyer -- often in the tens of thousands of dollars -- if they cannot secure a pro bono attorney.

See also: Rocket Dockets for Kids in Immigration Courts Raise Doubts About Fairness

And often, kids cannot secure a lawyer at all. When that happens, they must appear before a judge, with their parent or relative attempting to form a legal argument against deportation. The money is expected to help roughly 1,200 kids this year, spread out over nine cities.

"I'm glad the government is stepping up to make sure the kids get lawyers in court. That's a worthy goal," says Holston. "It should not be acceptable to us as a country that children go to court without a lawyer."

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RTGolden1 topcommenter

I understand the concern for these children (some of them).  this is not a problem that will be solved by $9million or $9billion.  When is America going to wake up and realize we need to get better control of our immigration policy and borders?  I'm not saying we need to seal the borders and strive for homogenization, but we need clearly defined policy and active enforcement.  We need a way of knowing just who is coming in, who should be staying and who needs to get turned back.

for those saying that this $9mil isn't enough, it's about $9mil more than we owe anyone for this.  I find it beyond ridiculous that we are being made to feel that we're not putting forth enough effort to help these illegal immigrants flaunt our laws.

ThePosterFormerlyKnownasPaul topcommenter

So $9MM and it provides a lawyer for 1,200 children.  That is $7,500 per case.

How many hours are the attorneys billing for each case anyway and how much per hour?


With an operating deficit of roughly $600 billion, where did they get the money? And why only $9 million? Might as well print another billion or two.


Second! (caught me) 

Seriously, we can all look forward in about 18 months to six months of breathless, eye-of-the-hurricane stories about how the imminent emptying of lawyer funds is the direct and immediate cause of immigrant children being forced to perform sex acts or work for Nike, and we must Do Something Right Now to restore this funding.

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Since only 30% of New Americans show up for their appointed hearings, three million should suffice.

bvckvs topcommenter


re:  "When is America going to wake up and realize we need to get better control of our immigration policy and borders? "

It's funny when you speak of "we" as if we were all of one mind.  It's just not a rational way to pose the question.

DonkeyHotay topcommenter

@RTGolden1 <== hates impoverished children searching for a better life.

@RTGolden1 "We need a way of knowing just who is coming in, who should be staying and who needs to get turned back."

The U$ / Canadian border is almost 4,000 (four thousand) miles long.

The U$ / Mexican border is nearly 2,000 (two thousand) miles long.

The U$ / Pacific coastline is 1,293 miles long.

The U$ / Atlantic coastline is 2,000 miles long.

The U$ / Gulf coast 1,600 miles long.

How much of an ignorant imbecile are you to think borders like that can ever be blocked from access by those determined to enter? 

HipTip: you'll just have to live with your FEAR and Prejudice, jackass.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


They'll all be emancipated after the midterms anyway.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@bvckvs "It's funny, the way you refer to the government and the people as if they were two different things.  Here, in the US, we govern ourselves.

Being that ignorant, it's easy to see how you came to develop so many paranoid delusions."  --Bvckvs, 1 day before he chastises me here for using a collective 'we' in reference to Americans and our government.

RTGolden1 topcommenter

@DonkeyHotay <===== Idiot with very low reading comprehension skills and inherent need to insult others to feel better about himself.

1) I didn't specify, nor do I in my mind, any particular border, income or education level immigrant, or country of origin.  YOU did that in you fevered mind.

2) There are poor and impoverished people right here in America, many in my own neighborhood.  I give what I can of my time and very small resources to do what I can for them.  What the fuck do you do for the poor and impoverished?

3) My point was, had you bothered to take your head out of your ass when you read it, there is a law and set of policies on the books for immigration to this country.  Very liberal laws compared to most of the world.  Rule of law will be what stops xenophobes from sending kids who really do need to get away from their home countries back to them, not flagrant disregard of law.  If you want to help these kids, work to change the law to better benefit them.

4) Lighten up Francis.  You don't have to be a prick every day of your life.


According to the Obama administration, which never lies.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


On Fridays.



Who are you going to believe...the most transparent administration in history or your lying eyes?


@TheRuddSki the article you site does not concern unaccompanied minors, which are the children who cross w/o a parent, but instead an unnamed source referring to immigrant families. In addition it does not refute the report I cited which refers to children with a lawyer. Having a lawyer makes it much more likely children appear in court. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


They puke, shit, wail, and grow up to comment on blogs.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I hope you looked at the graphic at your link.


@TheRuddSki and again, the Associated Press report is referring to arrested families, not unaccompanied minors. 

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