Content tagged with "Good Samaritan"


Sen. Udall and Rep. Tipton Introduce Good Samaritan Bill to Encourage Mine Cleanup

Aaron Mintzes | August 2, 2013

House Hearing Probes Mining Reform and Clean Up

Aaron Mintzes | June 17, 2013


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EARTHWORKS’ Senate Testimony on Good Sam Legislation

| June 15, 2006

MPC News—winter 2000

EARTHWORKS staff | January 1, 2000


US House Subcommittee urged to support ‘Good Samaritan’ law for AML cleanup

Mineweb | Dorothy Kosich | Friday, June 14, 2013

New EPA Clean Water Act policy aids abandoned mine cleanup

Earthworks | Wednesday, December 12, 2012

EARTHWORKS Supports Abandoned Mine Initiative Introduced in the U.S. Senate

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


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