Editorial: We recommend a ‘yes’ vote on 9 Dallas propositions

Watching the way the Dallas City Council draws its own districts leaves a lot of us queasy, wondering if this is the way government really should work.

That sausage-factory sense starts with the council-appointed redistricting commission. There’s long been a concern that too many commission members are too close to the incumbents who appoint them.

The word puppet gets thrown around a lot, which affects the commission’s work and stains the appearance of independence.

The time has come to remove that stain, and voters have a chance to do just that this election. A series of reforms to the city charter are on the Nov. 4 ballot, and the most important among them is Proposition 6, proposed changes to the council’s redistricting process.

The heart of the reform is this: Commissioners and council members would be prohibited from communicating outside public meetings; and the council would not be able to alter the commission’s proposed changes to district lines without a three-fourths vote.

The proposed change also includes important protections for minorities that once were covered under the federal Voting Rights Act.

In 2011, when the council last adopted new district lines, the process climaxed with an ugly closed-door meeting that suggested Mayor Mike Rawlings and council members Tennell Atkins and Delia Jasso were horse trading over the final map. Their behind-the-scenes hash took place in the middle of an open council debate on the lines. Those watching it should have left feeling queasy.

These reforms could go a long way toward getting us all feeling better about city government again.

Better pay for better council

The way we elect our council members is important, but it’s impossible to elect good council members without good candidates.

That’s the reasoning behind a second critical proposition on the city ballot that also deserves support. None of us love the idea of paying politicians more. But pay for Dallas council members is so low that it hurts our ability to attract good candidates in too many races.

In a city like Dallas, incumbents shouldn’t roll to re-election without a challenge. And open seats should see large numbers of residents from a variety of backgrounds seeking to serve their city.

That doesn’t happen, in large part because most working people can’t afford to be Dallas council members.

That could change with the passage of Proposition 8. It calls for raising the mayor’s salary from $60,000 a year to $80,000 and a council member’s salary from $37,500 to $60,000.

The cost of those raises is not significant in view of the city’s $1.1 billion operating budget. But it is significant if we want to ask teachers, accountants, engineers and other talented citizens to set aside their day jobs and offer to represent us at City Hall.

Mayor Mike Rawlings rightly notes that council service is open now to the following sorts of people: those who have plenty of money already, those who are willing to scrape by on $37,500 a year, and lawyers.

The argument that council service is a part-time job has not been true in a long time. Anyone on the council who is showing up part time isn’t doing the job right.

From reviewing massive council agendas that include tens of millions of dollars in expenditures every other week, to responding to constituents, to evaluating city management — the work is too serious not to ensure that we are trying to attract the best people to serve.

No one can force good people to run. But we would go a long way toward encouraging them by offering council members better pay.

A summary of all nine props on the ballot

Voters will have the chance to approve changes to the city of Dallas’ charter in the coming election. They will be presented to voters as nine separate ballot items. The most significant changes are Propositions 6 and 8, as laid out in our accompanying editorial. Below is a summary of all nine props:

Prop 1: Would bring more transparency to the cost of city bond programs, from issuance to repayment and purpose. Council member Scott Griggs sought this amendment to provide residents more information about what the city really spends on debt and what taxpayers get in return. Vote yes.

Prop 2: Would amend a cumbersome provision of the charter that prohibits people from serving on city boards and commissions even if they or the firms they work for have minor interests in mutual funds or common funds with companies that contract with the city. Vote yes.

Prop 3: Involves how to alert people about changes to the city’s thoroughfare plan if the change won’t affect a road’s dimensions and if the affected area is larger than 1 square mile. Vote yes.

Prop 4: Amends the city’s nondiscrimination rules to include gender identity and expression, and genetic characteristics. Vote yes.

Prop 5: Would remove the city manager’s cloaked power over the supposedly independent city auditor. The council, instead of the manager, would recommend and set the auditor’s annual budget. The council appoints both the auditor and the manager. But the manager has long had a sort of “power of the purse” over the auditor in the annual budgeting process that has called the auditor’s independence into question. Vote yes.

Prop 6: The proposal would change the way the city draws council districts with new restrictions on the selection and operation of the council-appointed redistricting commission. Commission members could not communicate with council members outside of public forums. A three-fourths vote of the council would be required to overturn the commission’s recommended district map. (See accompanying editorial.) Vote yes.

Prop 7: Clarifies that municipal judges, as well as appointed board and commission members, must resign if they run for public office. This prevents appointed officials from using their work for the city as a political springboard. The change comes after former municipal judge Phyllis Lister Brown claimed she should not have been forced out to run for a state district judge seat because she was a constitutional officer of the state. Vote yes.

Prop. 8: Would raise the mayor’s salary from $60,000 to $80,000 and council salaries from $37,500 to $60,000. Mayor Mike Rawlings would not get a raise if re-elected. (See accompanying editorial.) Vote yes.

Prop 9: Amends the charter to conform with state law and city code and makes minor spelling and other corrections. Vote yes.

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