Review: “Getaway”

By on August 30, 2013

Cole Clay / Intern


The good thing about “Getaway” is going into it you know exactly what you are getting. A gaggle of cheesy lines, a cluster of car crashes and maybe, just maybe a few minutes of pure unadulterated fun. The film, directed by Courtney Solomon (“An American Haunting”), is by no means notable, nor is it terrible. You are just more than likely to leave the theater talking about dinner plans rather than the film you just watched.

Brent Magna, (Ethan Hawke) a former professional race car driver with a haunted past is pitted into 650 horse power worth of trouble when his wife is kidnapped by a Bulgarian crime syndicate led by “The Voice” (Jon Voight). Magna has little hope until he encounters “The Kid” (Selena Gomez) as the two race against time in an armored Shelby GT500 to save the damsel in distress.

In “Getaway,” the stakes aren’t very high, the action isn’t very exciting, the performances are forgettable and somehow it manages not to be the worst film of the summer. If you are brave enough to put up your suspension of disbelief for 90 minutes, go ahead and check it out. There are far more grating films out right now.

“Getaway” Opens Nationwide Friday.

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