Interview: Chris Klein and Fiona Gubelmann on Season 3 of “Wilfred”

By on August 29, 2013

Preston Barta / Film Critic

The North Texas Daily recently had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Chris Klein (“American Pie,” 1999) and Fiona Gubelmann (“Blades of Glory,” 2007) about the season finale of their show “Wilfred,” and what things the titular pooch has taught them about life.

One of the most compelling aspects that has always made “Wilfred” a great show for me are the life lessons within. Wilfred (Jason Gann) challenges Ryan (Elijah Wood) and teaches him things in his own obscure and diabolical way, perhaps causing viewers to stop and reflect on their own life. I’m curious, playing Wilfred’s owners, Drew and Jenna, did Wilfred teach you any lessons about life?

Chris Klein: “To take life lessons from Wilfred or the actor that plays him, Jason Gann, would be a cautionary tale, to say the least.”

Fiona Gubelmann: “I think the one thing that the show has really impressed upon me is just standing up and taking responsibility for yourself and your actions and what you really want.

With Jenna, I think she doesn’t always does that. I think that that’s a flaw that I can relate to and many people can relate to. I like that the show is this exploration of Ryan and what he needs.  For me, it’s just been standing up for myself and really vocalizing what I need and what I want and communicating that to people.”

Klein: “I think that’s really well said. I really appreciate the close of every episode, where we get to take a step back and just watch a man hang out with his dog. For me, as somebody who understands that relationship, having a dog myself, being a pet owner, Jason and Elijah Wood do a really groovy job of really explaining that relationship. For me, in the show when they’re going through what they’re going through, it makes it easier for me to understand because of those moments on the couch.”

For you, which is worse: doing the right thing for the wrong reasons, or doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, like Wilfred?

Klein: “I know what it’s about to do the wrong thing for the right reasons, but I’m not sure the right thing for the wrong reasons. I’d say if it’s the right thing, it’s the right thing.”

Gubelmann: “I guess maybe doing the wrong thing for the right reason is better because you may have to hurt someone to ultimately help them, and that comes from a place of love— versus doing something to help someone and you’re not doing it for the right reasons.

I think truth is one of the most important things. So if you’re doing things for false reasons, then what you’re doing may have no actual meaning or validity to it.”

Klein: “I think you just unraveled that incredibly well.”

Gubelmann: “I love you.”

Klein: “I think what we’re talking about here is tough love— the kind of tough love that we see Wilfred give Ryan in almost every episode. Tough love is one of the most beautiful things that you can give your partner or your friends or your family. It’s one of the hardest things that you can do for somebody, but ultimately, usually, one of the best things you can do for somebody and everybody comes out the other end happy that you made that decision.”

Gubelmann: “I think that’s a beautiful answer.”

Klein: “You started it.”

Gubelmann: “Oh, Chris.”

Since I’ve asked this to Fiona before. Chris, if you could teach a college course, what would you teach?

Klein: “Wow, what college course would I teach? That’s pretty awesome. What college course would I teach? Fiona, what did you teach?”

Gubelmann: “Mine was really cheesy. But I said I would like to teach a course on teaching people just to love themselves, like a self-esteem type course— an appreciation of oneself.”

Klein: “Oh, that’s cool. That’s pretty cool. I think if I was to teach a course, I suppose it would have to be a subject that I knew something about. You know what, actually, after— and this is going to sound nerdy, so you’re going to have to forgive me— but after reading the, I believe it was the July issue of National Geographic Explorer, I am now a super duper expert on the solar system. So I would go ahead and teach new age astronomy, and the title of the class would be ‘New Age Astronomy: This is Not Your Newton’s Solar System.’”

I’d take that class, for sure. The one I’m taking now seems like a snooze fest.

Klein: “If you signed up for that, you would be out a lot of money because I’ve got nothing to share.”


You can catch the remaining episodes of the third season of “Wilfred” on FX on Thursdays at 9 p.m.














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