Proof + Pantry Refused to Take Leslie Brenner's Money, Really Doesn't Want to Be Reviewed

Categories: Food News

Catherine Downes
The scene of last week's VERY DRAMATIC showdown.
Leslie Brenner, the Dallas Morning News' food critic, isn't the most popular journalist in town. In the past few months, she's taken fire from chefs and diners alike who say Brenner doesn't understand Dallas or its cuisine. Most famously, Knife and Spoon chef John Tesar joined the chorus of Brenner haters earlier this summer, when he tweeted "fuck you" at the critic and said he would ban her from his restaurants.

See also: Chef John Tesar Told the Dallas Morning News' Food Critic "Fuck You," and Life Is Good

Now, more prominent restaurateurs are joining the fray. Late Friday, D Magazine's own critic, Nancy Nichols, published a dramatic account of an encounter between Brenner and Michael Martensen, owner of One Arts Plaza newcomer Proof + Pantry. In the food world, there are few things more dramatic than an in-restaurant showdown between a food critic and a restaurateur. (In the real world, these people are considered extremely weird.)

The details of "the incident" are are somewhat in dispute, but here's the short version. On Thursday, Brenner went to Proof with her husband Thierry Perimarti, a top Morning News editor named Keven Ann Willey and Willey's husband, Georges Badoux, with the intent of reviewing the restaurant. While there, the party racked up a $446 bill. When it came time to present the check, though, Martensen refused to take Brenner's credit card and said that he didn't want her to review his restaurant. From there, a member of Brenner's party left to get cash and left $500 on the table before leaving the restaurant. Safe to say the cash-leaver felt very cool laying those hundreds on the table.

Both Martensen and Brenner agree on these basic details, but differ sharply when it comes to the tone of the evening. In the D piece, Nichols describes a tense scene. Martensen is quoted as saying that members of Brenner's party yelled at he and business partner Sal Jafar II and that Perimarti was furious. There were also charges from Willey that Brenner could lose her job if she accepted the "handout," but Martensen wouldn't budge. Brenner, of course, would never lose her job for accepting a handout unwillingly, but whatever: Drama!

The next day, Martensen and Jafar apparently went to the Morning News to return the money and ended up meeting with Willey, acting managing editor Keith Campbell and Lifestyles editor Lisa Kresl. The News was reportedly (and obviously) determined to publish the review, leaving Martensen and Jafar feeling "threatened." When the meeting was over, Martensen and Jafar left with the $500 in their possession, a fact that Brenner stressed to me via email and later her blog.

The scene Brenner describes at Proof + Pantry is much more businesslike than the dramatic throwdown that Nichols described. Brenner insists there was no yelling at the restaurant or at the newspaper HQ. "Things did not 'get ugly,' writes Brenner. "When Keven greeted them at reception, they said they came to drop something off, but Keven invited them in for a conversation."

"If Martensen and Jafar left the meeting feeling threatened, they certainly didn't show any indication of it. In fact, Jafar described the meeting as 'positive' while waiting for an elevator after the conversation. Everybody shook hands, and far from being threatening, Lisa said, "It was a pleasure to meet you in person." Brenner also says neither Nichols nor anyone else from D Magazine had reached out to her before publishing their story.

According to Martensen, his company never had any intention of allowing Brenner to review the restaurant because the Dallas Morning News ties their restaurant reviews to a star system. "The idea of allowing one person or publication to change the view of a potential patron by a numerical rating of the establishment is crazy," he said via online message. "We are a small business and have to right to run the business as we see fit for the better of the business. We want everyone to experience Proof with an open mind and form their own opinion."

Location Info

Proof + Pantry

1722 Routh St, Dallas, TX

Category: Music

My Voice Nation Help

Welp, if Brenner didn't like it, it must be good.

mavdog topcommenter

Don't really decide if I go to a restaurant based on a review, especially if it is Brenner, but I do like the information you can get from a review about the menu, and about how the specific dishes are done.

Loved the story of how the B&B guys tried to stop her review. Brenner should have taken the high road, but didn't. Guess that was just beneath her.

Frankly the criticism of Brenner has gone a bit over the top, but there is fair criticism of her "star ranking system" and her snobbishness. She gives a review, says she likes it, but gives it only 2 out of 5 stars because it is not fru-fru/stylistic enough? Nichols' comment that surely there is a 5 star Tex-Mex in DFW (Brenner won't give any Tex-Mex more than 3) says it all.

The Pecan Lodge review was odd to say the least. Complaints on the aroma of smoke at a BBQ joint? Complaints that the "blaring" loudspeaker announcing when an order was ready was too "jarring"? The fried chicken was too doughy?

And the bit about the wine...really, so the server didn't give the customer a taste and didn't "present" the wine properly. But they served the wine in friggin' Reidel glasses! Many places would just pour into a tumbler. good grief.

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

The whole ordeal is over they didn't want her review or her in their establishment. Hence the comp.

Back to the BBQ review...who drinks wine with BBQ?


Most importantly....$500 on $446 tab...if tip was not included that's $54 tip, seems a little light


I dont mind her reviews and take them with a grain of salt, like I do most reviews as I take into account a few things....mostly...the restaurants that are being reviewed are usually open a short time and so they are going to have kinks...but I do find it weird that she is writing a review with her husband and a fellow employee in just seems borderline "unprofessional"...but Im a not a food critic, so who knows, maybe this practice is acceptable


They're free to run their business as they see fit, but so is the DMN. Restaurants don't have a right to remain un-reviewed, especially if they try to pick their reviewers.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Art and Critique are inseparable.  Brenner recently complained about the wine service at Pecan Lodge.  Uh...?  This chef, like all artists, have inflated egos and temperament.  The clash is for the rest of us to enjoy, and this particular one is a real tee-hee. 


Quite a little First World flap at $125 per person dining; that's a lot of Spam and TaterTots.  But who really cares about the dramatics and dynamics of food critics, restaurateurs, and editors? Who can even spell restaurateurs without an assist from the spelling checker?


@Coriander  Looks like the kind of person that would complain about the wine selection at a BBQ place.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

@whocareswhatithink Yeah.  There's been talk about an ATM limit of $500; none of the party claimed to have been carrying cash.  Then there was the suggestion that the restaurant owner should have properly tipped out the server, since the meal was "comped".  Such drama.


@EdD. According to Martensen, his company never had any intention of allowing Brenner to review the restaurant
Yeah.  How does a restaurant not allow a newspaper to write a review? Do they call the  police, or can they sue someone for writing about their food?  Is there some sort of "Foodie Clause" in the first amendment that I'm not aware of.

Do the Amy's Baking Company people know about this?

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz This pissy fit about the way a wine was served at a fucking bbq restaurant pretty much did me in.  I've never been one whine about reviews in the paper and what not, but holy fuck, that just takes the cake.  That's like going to review The Trail Dust an whining because they only had 1 giant slide and not a full on playground with monkey bars.  Holy fuck im fuming again

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz @whocareswhatithink

Why is it that I can always seem to come up with at least 20% for a tip when I dine out but "rich-folks" always seem to get caught short?

I guess that's why I'll never be rich.

Sharon_Moreanus topcommenter

Pussys give up and can't google.


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