EARTHblog » Lauren Pagel

EPA Clean Power rule a step in the right direction

Lauren Pagel's avatar
By Lauren Pagel

June 3, 2014

Yesterday, the Obama administration announced the first-ever limits on carbon pollution from existing U.S. power plants. This groundbreaking regulation is an important first step towards addressing the largest source of climate-warming pollutants, and a small step on the way towards an energy future based largely on renewable energy.

The rule allows each state to choose from a broad menu of carbon-cutting options, including energy efficiency improvements, clean energy sources, implementing a carbon tax, or instituting or joining a cap-and-trade system. Overall, the new rule will cut carbon pollution from power plants by 25% by 2020, and 30% by 2030, using 2005 emissions levels as a starting point.

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Tagged with: epa, climate change, pollution, air rules

Power Shift 2013

Lauren Pagel's avatar
By Lauren Pagel

October 22, 2013

This weekend, Earthworks Eastern Program Coordinator, Nadia, and I attended Power Shift, a gathering of thousands of students and young people dedicated to fighting dirty energy and promoting a just transition to a clean energy future.

Over 6,000 people gathered in Pittsburgh, PA for 3 days of inspiration and education, followed by a march through the streets calling for an end to our dependence on fossil fuels. Fracking was a huge part of the discussion at Power Shift this weekend, with many impacted community members profiled as part of panel discussions and events.

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Tagged with: fracking, epa, health, stop the frack attack

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